C H A P T E R : T H R E E

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•• Sad angel ••

T R O Y E S P O V :

I run into a stall and hope no one saw me, I don't want to be taunted anymore than I already will be once word gets out about what happened in class.

And it's only Monday.

I sit in the seat of the toilet with the lid down and wiped my eyes vigorously almost mad at myself for crying, I show no emotion so why am I now?

My wings wrap around my body, my wings have been the only thing that has comforted me throughout my life, the only things that have always been their, almost like they're alive.

I stroke the black feathers that remind me of a raven's wings, white wings like a dove, black wings like a raven.

The only other thing that's always been their for me are ravens, it's almost like I have a connection with them, like I understand them and they understand me.

And I'm pretty sure no one else can say they speak to birds, because even if they don't speak English I can still understand them, but it's only ravens and crows that I can understand.

And I've never heard of anyone doing that before.

Another reason why I'm a freak.

I wipe my eyes on more time but before I walk out I practice my emotionless face, which I'll undoubtedly have to use today.

I open my stall and step out, looking at myself in the mirror one last time to make sure it doesn't look like I was just crying, I'm good, so I walk out.

I have History of angels, yay, note the sarcasm.

I know I'm already a few minutes late by the time I get to class since everyone is already seated and the teacher is writing something on the white board.

She turns to me and raises an eyebrow, obviously confused i'm late since I always come early.

"Mr Sivan, nice to see you decided to come, take a seat and next time this happens you'll be getting a detention." she nods her head in the direction of the class and starts talking again.

I look around and see the only seat left is the one next to non other than the new boy, the new boy that ran into me.

Tyler Oakley.

Great I haven't even spoken to the boy and now I have to sit next to him?

I move over to the seat while I see people leaning away from me as if I have cooties, and whispering how they feel sorry for the new boy.

I sit down and try and keep my wings to myself, which is hard considering the size of them, I'm sitting next to the window while the purple haired boy is next to me.

He turns to me and smiles brightly, "Hi! Do you remember me? I ran into you this morning?" He says in a hushed whisper.

I look at him blankly, but he doesn't seem fazed by by lack of emotion.

"So, your name is Troye?" He asked me and I look blankly at the wall, wondering why the hell he's even talking to me.

"I liked the colour your eyes turned that was so cool!" He says excitedly yet still in a whisper so not to attract the teacher.

I don't respond yet again.

T Y L E R S P O V:

This boy, Troye, is something, he's the only one I haven't been able to make smile to talk to me, and I found that refreshing.

Their was one thing about him, maybe it was his black wings that seemed so much bigger than anyone else's yet he kept them hidden, or his beautiful icy blue eyes that seemed duller than they could be, and dark chocolate hair with long eye lashes, it maybe it was that small birthmark that he had beneath his eye, or his all-in-all mysterious nature, but I'm gay so it doesn't matter if I think he's beautiful.

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