The end

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Well, honestly I can say one true thing about this book.


It sucks silicone booty. Literally. .

Now that this book is over, I want to say one thing .. thanks to all the people who voted, all the people who commented & read.

But from here on out, I won't be updating until I have at least 300 votes on the last chapter. :)

How can, thousands read a chapter & not simply click 'vote' ? I think it sucks honestly .

Antiwayssss, ive been reading different types of stories & I had became fond on interracial stories.

This is not a fanfiction what I plan on writing next. Or ever. Fan fictions actually destroy the imagining thing so I tend to let you all wander around with minds of your own.

'No Love' First chapter will be posted next Wednesday,or Wednesday after next.

A quick taste on the Sequel of 'Every thug needs a thuggette ' will be happily posted once i make a shitty cover for it .

Also s|o to bellahatch for making my cover on No Love ! Go show her some Love ! My cover is great .

And my interracial story, will be posted once I get a good amount of feedback on this.  soooooooooooooooo, come onnnn

I think it will make it, hopefully.

Sooo, feedbackkkk.  

I also wanted to say, I don't update from a laptop/computer ! I update from my celluar device *shrugs* . Anywayssss, i know this book had a lot of grammatical & conventional errors but that doesnt mean yall had the right to be so harsh, geesh.

*flips hair & sashays away*

Justtttt, kidding .

I wanted to say, that i am working on slowly editing this book , but it isn't my major concern. And I changed a few things for the sake of my reader(s) . For example, in this book Zy'keyiah age was 15 i changed it to 16 . & For king i shimmied his age to 20. Next time if you dont like the book simply click the backspace .

What I write is real life. & ive seen these type of scenarios before ! Do NOT be so judgemental like you've never had dirt thrown in on you . Even though these are fictional characters. Idc.

I also, want to say . For the people who interacted with my book negatively  .  I love you. You were a even bigger motivation. Hahahahaha next time I'll happily block that ass.


Every Thug needs a Thuggette - Thug love storyWhere stories live. Discover now