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Red's POV

Monday morning

Next morning, Chloe and I are awaken by a really annoying knock on the door by 7 a.m. I put a pillow over my head while Chloe quickly gets up, puts up her messy morning hair in a bun and runs to the door.

- Whoever that is, tell 'em to get lost and never knock this early again or I'll rip their hands off. - I hate when people wake me up.

- Jeez, calm down fury. - Says Chloe as she opens de door.

- Hi! You must be Chloe, I'm Bridget, from wonderland. - I look up to the door, recognising my young, bubbly mom once again. - Oh my god! Did I wake you? I'm so so sorry! Head master Merlin asked me to come and take you to your classes, so you didn't get lost in this place on your first day, I should've wait a bit more, I'm really s...

- No, no, it's okay. - Chloe cuts her off before she can keep apologising. - I'm Chloe, this is Red.

- Hey. - I say getting out of bed.

- Hi! Sorry again for waking you. I'll give you guys a few minutes to get ready. My dorm is two doors to the right, just tap on my door and we'll start the day! - She has a really high-pitched voice and a lot of energy.

Chloe hits the shower first and then it's my turn. 20 minutes later we're up and about for today's activities, which includes going to class and figure out a way to save Chloe from disappearing.
We walk up to Bridget's door and knock softly. She immediatly opens de door and greets us with an award winning smile

- You girls are fast! Let's go get some breakfast first, huh? - Bridget says getting out of her room.

The three of us make our way to the cafeteria and grab some breakfast. We eat fast as lessons start at 8 a.m. and it's already 7:35. Apparently, we're with Bridget in every class but P.E.
We start off the day with H.M. Merlin's class, Honors Alchemy, then we had Chemistry, taught by Mrs. Walters. Which was really boring, but I'm kinda good at chemistry, so I got to brag my skills to Chloe. She asked for my help in a few excercises, it was sweet knowing that she needed, even if it's just for a bit of Science.

Now it's lunch time and we're eating outside, sitting with Bridget and Ella, who was also with us in Alchemy but she took Biology instead of Chemistry.

- So, where are you guys from? - Ella asks before taking a bite of her sandwich.

Chloe looks at me looking for answers, not sure how to respond to her question, so I step in.

- We are from a little town in Europe, you wouldn't know it. - I say, trying not to give too many details to the lie.

- Ooh! Europe, that's fancy, what's the town called? come on, give us details! - Bridget pushes. Damn it, too much for not giving much information huh.

- Well, uhm, it's close to Ireland and it's called... - I start looking around to come up with a fake name fast. - Trey... - Great pick, Red! Doesn't sound made up at all. - Treystoneburg, yeah! Is very green, very small and very not-interesting.

- Sounds made up. - Says Ella making a face and then taking another bite of her lunch.

- It does, doesn't it? It's our own little fairy tail. - Chloe tries to save us from more questions and looks at me with widen eyes.

- Oh! Ella, we gotta go, we have theater in 8 minutes. - Bridget hurriedly picks up her stuff and Ella does the same a little less quickly. - Nice meeting you, girls. See you later!

The young versions of our mom's leave us at the table and as soon as they're out of sight, Chloe slaps my arm and looks at me with a frown.

- Ouch! What the. - She smacks my arm again - Chloe!

- Treystoneburg, Red, really? - Chloe says taking her trey off the table and back to the cafeteria.

- Okay, it wasn't the best name, I know, I get why I may have deserved the first arm punch, but what was the second one about?

- For almost saying a bad word. - She says walking toward our room to get changed into our sports clothes

- You're serious? Almost saying a bad word doesn't get me a smack on the arm.

- Okay, that's fair. I'm sorry. - My blue roommate apologize.

- Nu-uh, sorry doesn't un-smacks my arm. You're gonna have to make it up to me. - I say mischievously.

- Alright? What can I do? - Chloe asks genuinly.

We stop in front of our door. Chloe looks at me directly in the eyes, awaiting for my answer. Her eyes are glowing, looking deep inside my soul. Her hair looks perfect on this light, damn, on any light, she's just...
Okay, that was a weird thought. She's your friend Red, don't make it awkward.

- I haven't decided yet. - I state while opening the door and heading inside.

We change into our gym clothes and go out to the field. It's Dodgeball day, and guess what, we're up against the VK's. Chloe and I get to the middle of the field waiting for Coach Dunhill to finish the teams and start the game. While waiting, Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Haydes and Maleficent approach us.

- Hello there, love. - Says Hook with his annoying british accent. Seems fake to me.

- Hi. - Chloe responds so she doesn't come off as rude and I stay quiet. I don't give a rat's ass about what this losers think of me.

- Hey, new girls. - Morgie says flashing his serpent eyes.

- What brings you here, fish bait? - Uliana joins the conversation.

- Just changed schools. Now, if you'll excuse us. - I say and turn around grabbing Chloe's arm so we can leave. Haydes and Maleficent block us.

- Not so fast, Flamey. Red I assume, and you must be... - Uliana looks Chloe up and down, which I don't appreciate but I'll let it slide. How does she know my name? Guess she has her spies around school.

- Chloe, and I don't aprecciate you blocking our way out of this conversation. - Chloe states, putting herself in front of me as a barrier between Uliana and I.

- Uh, fierce. - Morgie adds to the interaction.

- Thought there wasn't any more pretty girls on this school, but you, my love, are ravishing. - The british teenager put his bright golden hook on Chloe's chin and pulls it up so she's facing him up close.

That's it.

- Ravishing and guarded. - I say gently getting Chloe out of the way and I end up face to face with Hook.- So you better get your rusty piece of metal away from her face, before you end up in need of one for the other hand.

- Ooh. -Hook laughs it off and turns to the VK gang and they laugh aswell.

- Let's go Red, time to play.

Chloe takes my hand and moves us to one side of the field, ready to start the game. And oh dear, this VK's are gonna get some balls to dodge.


Okay, okayyy, we're getting there!

Red being protective over Chloe, Chloe being protective over Red. What a friendship am I right!

Let me know what you guys think! :)

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