Bad together

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Chloe's POV

Two weeks later

Red and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. Usually, it's just quiet walks or talking about our day. Tomorrow, we start classes at Auradon Prep, and while I'm excited, there's a part of me that's also a little scared.

Our relationship has been moving at a much slower pace than it used to. Most of the time, it feels more like we're just friends—sometimes holding hands, sharing small pecks, but nothing more. Don't get me wrong, I love being around Red. I'm beyond happy that she's back, and having her close, in whatever way she's comfortable with, feels right. But I can't shake the feeling that I want more, that I want things to be how they used to be. I'm still so in love with her, and I know she loves me too. It's just hard being around her, feeling like I'm with her but not really being with her.

I want us to go back to the way we were, but I know Red needs her space. I'm willing to wait, but sometimes I feel like she just needs a little push to get there.

As I get ready for tonight, my heart is pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. It's our last night before school starts tomorrow, and I've planned something special for Red. It's not a grand gesture, but it feels important. I've borrowed Chad's truck, filled the back with blankets and cushions, and we're going stargazing up on the mount. It's one of the highest points in Auradon, where the sky feels close enough to touch, and tonight, the weather is perfect—clear and just cool enough for us to snuggle under the blankets.

Red has been hesitant about a lot of things lately, including tonight, but she agreed to come. And even though our relationship isn't what it used to be, I can't help but feel like tonight might be the night where we take a step forward. We've been hanging out a lot these past couple of weeks—holding hands, sharing quick pecks, but nothing more. She's been keeping me at arm's length, and I get it. I really do. She's been through so much, and I want to give her all the time she needs.

But part of me can't stop hoping that she's ready to take that next step with me.

When I pull up to her house, Red steps outside, and my breath catches. She looks so effortlessly beautiful, her red hair flowing down her back, her eyes glowing with a softness that makes my heart skip a beat. I wave at her, trying not to show how nervous I am, and she gives me a small smile before climbing into the truck.

- You look beautiful. - I say softly as she buckles up.

- Thanks. - She replies quietly, her gaze lingering on mine for a second before she looks out the window.

As we drive up the winding road toward the mount, we start talking about school. It's easy at first, light, but there's something comforting about it.

- You know. - I say, grinning. - I've already signed up for basically every club they have at Auradon Prep. Swords and Shields, Tourney, Archery—literally everything.

- Everything? Like, actually everything? - Red glances at me, her eyebrow quirking up.

- Yup! I'm joining everything I can. - I can't help the excitement in my voice. - I can't wait! I mean, there are so many things to do. And I've missed playing Tourney. Plus, the Swords and Shields club? It's going to be amazing.

- You're such a nerd. - Red smirks, shaking her head a little.

- I know! - I laugh. - But I don't care. I love it. I want to experience everything this year. I want to make the most of it.

Red sighs, leaning back in her seat, her expression turning a bit more relaxed as we talk.

- I wish I could be that excited about school. It's... okay, I guess, but I don't love it like you do. I'll probably just stick with art class, maybe archery. The fewer people around, the better.

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