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Chloe's POV

As I stand there in the Hearts-Hook home, the door bursts open and suddenly I'm engulfed in a whirlwind of familiar warmth. My mom, dad, and Chad rush toward me, pulling me into a tight hug. They've always been like this—fierce in their love, never holding back. And right now, it feels like I've come home in more ways than one.

- Chloe, why didn't you tell us where you were going? - My mom's voice is soft, but I can hear the worry underlining every word. Her hands cup my face, checking me over like I've just come back from a battle. In a way, I guess I have.

I shrug with a sheepish smile.

- I didn't want you to worry...

- You had us worried sick, sweetheart. - Dad steps forward, his usually composed expression softening with relief.

I look up at them, seeing the mixture of emotions in their eyes—relief, worry, and love. And though I know I scared them, none of that matters now. I'm here, I'm safe, and I brought Red back.

My mom's gaze shifts from me to Red, standing hesitantly in the corner, unsure of her place in all of this. There's a flicker behind my mom's eyes, something unresolved. I know she's still hurt by what happened between us—by the way Red left me—but despite that, she still loves her like family. And that's exactly how she treats her now.

- Red. - my mom says softly, crossing the room toward her.

Red straightens up, her posture rigid, her hands balled into nervous fists at her sides. I can see the fear in her eyes, the uncertainty. She probably thinks my mom's going to lay into her, tell her off for hurting me. But instead, my mom reaches out, pulling Red into a sweet, gentle hug.

- I'm glad you're back. - She whispers, her voice thick with emotion.

I can see Red freeze for a second, caught off guard by the affection, and when she hesitantly hugs back, it's almost like she doesn't believe she deserves it.

Red's eyes flick to me for a split second, her posture still afraid. She's bracing herself, like at any moment the warmth will turn cold, like she expects to be scolded. I know she thinks she doesn't deserve my mom's kindness after everything. But my mom, being the incredible woman she is, just holds her a little tighter.

- Thank you. - Red whispers, her voice barely audible. Her eyes are glassy, holding back emotions she doesn't know how to express.

I watch them, my heart swelling with so many feelings it's hard to process. I'm grateful that my mom can see the good in Red, the same good that's always been there but got buried under all the hurt and confusion. I know this moment is just the start of something better for all of us, but especially for Red. Maybe she'll finally believe that she's worth it—that she deserves love and forgiveness, just like anyone else.

The room falls into a thick silence, everyone still processing the emotions swirling around us. My mom, ever the composed one, is the first to break the tension.

- Now. - She says, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow - You two have a lot to explain.

I glance at Red, feeling the weight of the moment settling between us. She's standing there, shoulders tense, looking down at her feet like she'd rather be anywhere else. But there's no escaping this. Not anymore.

Taking a deep breath, I step forward, starting to tell the story.

- Red left because... she thought she had to. To protect me.

Red shifts uneasily beside me, and after a moment, she speaks, her voice soft but steady.

- I didn't have a choice. The spell... The one that had the whole town hipnotized. - She pauses, swallowing hard. - It's anchor was Chloe and I's bond, our love.

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