Hiding spot

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Chloe's POV

I start covering up the hickey with concealer before our first class, which feels like a surreal experience. Red stands still, a slight smirk on her lips as I dabbed the makeup onto her neck, trying to hide the evidence of our passionate night.

- You're enjoying this too much. - I mutter, focusing on blending the concealer seamlessly.

- Maybe. - She replies, her eyes twinkling with amusement. - But you're the one who gave it to me.

After covering up Red's hickey with concealer, we head to class, trying to blend into the normalcy of the school day. Throughout the day, we share a few glances and brush each other's hands now and then, small gestures that remind us of the connection we've forged.

Once the day has finished, we decide to go for a walk together, just to talk and enjoy each other's company. The campus is peaceful, a perfect backdrop for the quiet moments we have been craving. Walking side by side, the tension of the day starts to melt away.

As we stroll, we start discussing Uliana's plan to steal the Sorcerer's Cookbook. It is supposed to happen tonight, and the gravity of the situation has hung heavily between us. We both know that Uliana's reaction to finding the book missing will be explosive.

- We need to be prepared for anything. - Red says, her voice tinged with determination.

I nod in agreement, understanding the seriousness of the situation.

- Infuriated is an understatement. She's going to be out for blood.

We walk in silence for a moment, both lost in our thoughts. The weight of what we are up against feels immense, but knowing that we are in it together brings a sense of reassurance.

- We'll get through this. - I assure, reaching out to squeeze Red's hand.

Red squeezes my hand back, her eyes filled with a mixture of resolve and affection.

As we walk back to the dorm, the sun sets, casting a soft glow over the campus. The tension between us is palpable, but so is our determination to see this through. We decide it is in our best interest that one of us guards the book while the other follows Ella on her secret adventure to Merlin's office tonight.

Red insists on being the one to follow Ella, her instincts telling her there is more to uncover. She gives me a card from her magic deck, the queen of hearts, obviously.

- If you need help, just throw this card up in the air. - She says, her voice steady. - It's already enchanted, and it will make its way to me so I can come find you wherever you may be.

- Good luck, bae. - I nod, the weight of the card in my hand a comforting feeling of protection.

- You too, Chlo. Stay safe.

We part ways, Red heading to follow Ella while I make my way to the hollow tree in the middle of the woods where we have hidden the Sorcerer's Book. The night is quiet, the stillness amplifying the pounding of my heart as I settle in to guard our prize.


Red's POV

I trail Ella through the shadows, keeping a safe distance as she makes her way to Merlin's office. My heart pounds with a mix of anxiety and curiosity.

Ella slips inside Merlin's office, and I watch, concealed in the darkness. Minutes feel like hours as I wait for her to emerge. When she finally does, her expression is a mix of confusion and frustration. Clearly, she expected to find the book.

She walks away, her footsteps echoing in the silent night. I follow her, curious of where she may lead me.

After a few minutes of walking, I found myself at the edge of the Black Lagoon. I watch in astonishment as she hops from rock to rock, making her way to the VKs' hangout stage. The water is eerily still, the moon casting a ghostly glow over the scene.

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