She's so gone

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Red's POV

The silence in the cave is a crushing weight. My heart is pounding as I scramble to Chloe's side, collapsing beside her seemingly lifeless form. My breaths come in ragged gasps, each one more desperate than the last.

- No! - I cry out, my voice cracking with raw anguish. - Please, please don't do this to me!

Tears stream down my face, mingling with Chloe's pale cheeks as I pull her limp body against me. Fay and Ella's presence feels distant, their expressions of concern and sadness a blur behind my tear-streaked vision.

- I should've told you. - I sob, my voice breaking with each word. - I should've said it back. Instead, I was a fucking coward and kept it inside, thinking there'd be time, but now... now it's too late.

- I love you, Chloe. I love you more than I ever knew was possible. - I clutch Chloe tighter, my tears flowing freely. - Every time I see you, every time you smile, it's like the world makes sense. I've spent so long running from my feelings, pretending they weren't there, but now I know... I know I can't live without you. You're everything to me.

My sobs grow more frantic, my desperation mounting.

- I love you so much that it feels like my heart is being ripped apart. I wanted to be brave, to show you that I'm not just a troublemaker, but I never had the chance to prove it. I let my fears and insecurities keep me from saying the things that matter most. And now—now you're gone and I've lost my chance.

Chloe's body feels cold in my arms, and it drives me to cry harder.

- Please! Don't do this to me, Chlo. - My tears pool at the base of my chin before spilling over onto Chloe's face. - I love you! You hear me?

My sobs are ragged, almost frantic, as if the very essence of my sorrow is pouring out in every possible way. It feels like my heart is breaking into countless shards, each one being washed away by this torrent of grief.

Suddenly, Ella's voice pierces through my despair.

- Red! Look!

Confused and disoriented, I shift my gaze back to Chloe. My tears continue to fall, mingling with her skin. I watch in awe as they begin to work their magic. They seep into the gash on Chloe's cheek, and a soft red glow starts to emanate from the wound.

- What's happening? - I ask, my voice trembling.

- It's the magic of true love, - Ella explains, her voice filled with wonder. - Your tears—they're imbued with pure, genuine love. It's healing her.

The realization hits me like a jolt of electricity. My tears, driven by my deep, unshakeable love for Chloe, have triggered this healing magic. I had only heard whispers about the power of true love, but now, I'm witnessing it firsthand. As I watch, the gash on Chloe's cheek begins to close, the red glow spreading across her body. The wounds disappear, leaving smooth, unblemished skin behind. Her clothes, once stained with blood, are now pristine. The transformation is nothing short of miraculous.
Fay and Ella exchange looks of amazement, their mouths slightly agape. Even the VKs, slowly regaining consciousness, are taken aback by the sight. Their expressions shift from shock to a grudging respect, sensing the gravity of the moment.
The red glow dims, and Chloe remains motionless. It's clear that while the tears have healed her wounds, something more is needed to bring her back to full consciousness. I feel a surge of determination and hope.

- Red, true love's kiss is what can awaken her completely. It's what will truly bring her back. - Ella says as she steps closer, her face resolute.

My heart leaps at her words. I know what I have to do. I lean in, my breath catching in my throat, and gently press my lips to Chloe's. The kiss is tender and desperate, filled with all the love I've kept hidden for so long. It's as if this kiss is the bridge between my deepest feelings and the life we almost lost. As I kiss her, a bright red light surrounds us, growing stronger and more intense. The light pulses in rhythm with our hearts, and after a few seconds, Chloe's eyes flutter open, and I gently pull away. She gazes up at me with a mix of confusion and relief, her body warm and whole once more.
Chloe smiles and hurriedly pulls me into a tight embrace. Her arms wrap around me, holding me close. After a few seconds, she untightens the hug, her eyes fixated on mine with a new, special glow in them. She leans in.

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