Bibbidi, Bobbidi, help!

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Red's POV

I burst into my room, slamming the door behind me. The walls feel like they're closing in, suffocating me as I pace back and forth, trying to think. Chloe's life hangs in the balance, but so does the future of Auradon. If I hand over the Sorcerer's Cookbook to the VKs, I'll be dooming my mother, Chloe's mother, and everyone else. But if I don't... if I don't, Chloe will face the consequences. I shudder at the thought of what Uliana and the others might be doing to her right now. How the hell did it come to this? How did everything spiral so far out of control? The only thing I'm sure of right now is that I can't lose Chloe—not now, not ever.

My chest tightens, and I force myself to sit down on the edge of my bed, taking deep, shaky breaths. I need a plan. Something, anything, to save both Chloe and the future. But what? The odds are stacked against me—against us. And I'm just one person.

I think about my mother, the strong, fierce woman who's always been a step ahead, always had a plan. I've spent my whole life trying to not live up to that legacy, but to be as clever, as resourceful, as unshakable. Right now, I feel like a scared kid in way over her head. And that terrifies me because this isn't just about me anymore.

My eyes land on the deck of cards I took from Bridget, the Queen of Hearts still tucked in safely. The cards represent a lifeline, a connection to my mother, and to something deeper within myself that I'm only just beginning to understand. But they aren't enough. I need more than just a trick up my sleeve—I need a plan that will actually work.

I stand up and move to the small chest by my bed, pulling out the hidden compartment where I keep a few basic weapons—a dagger, a slingshot, and a vial of sleep potion I "borrowed" from the potions class. It's not much, but it's something. I strap the dagger to my waist, tuck the slingshot into my belt, and slide the vial into my pocket next to the deck of cards. As I do this, I try to think of every possible outcome, every variable I can control.

But it's not just about preparing physically. I close my eyes, forcing myself to focus, to push away the fear gnawing at my insides. I can't afford to lose my nerve. Not now. I think of Chloe—of the way she makes me feel safe, makes me feel like I'm worth something, like I can be more than just a troublemaker. Chloe's the one person who sees me, really sees me, and accepts me for who I am.A wave of guilt crashes over me, guilt for dragging Chloe into this mess, guilt for not being able to protect her. But guilt won't help me now. I need to be strong, for Chloe's sake. For Auradon's and Merlin Academy's sake.

Then it hits me—Fay. Fay's magic is still raw, still growing, but she's the only hope I have left. If anyone can help me pull off this impossible plan, it's her. I don't waste another second—I rush out of my dorm and make my way to Fay's secluded practice spot.When I find her, she looks up, surprised to see me so frantic.

- Red? What's wrong? - Fay asks, her innocent eyes wide with concern.

- I need your help, Fay. - I take a deep breath, trying to steady my voice, but the tremor slips through. - Chloe's been captured by the VKs, and they're going to hurt her if I don't hand over the Sorcerer's Cookbook.

Fay's face pales as she realizes the gravity of the situation.

- But... the Cookbook... you can't give it to them. That would—

- I know! - I snap, immediately regretting my tone. I soften my voice, trying to keep my composure. - I know what it means. But if I don't give it to them, they'll—Chloe... she'll...

The thought of what they might be doing to Chloe right now is too much to bear. My knees threaten to buckle, but I force myself to stay upright. I have to stay strong. I can't fall apart now. Fay hesitates, her eyes flickering with uncertainty.

- What can I do? I'm still learning, Red. I'm not strong enough to—

- You're stronger than you think. - I cut in, gripping Fay's shoulders. - You're my only shot at saving Chloe and protecting everyone. I need you to help me figure out a way to do both.

- Okay. I'll do whatever I can. - Fay swallows hard, her fear evident, but she nods.

As we brainstorm, I can't help but feel a pang of guilt. What if this plan fails? What if I'm asking too much of Fay? And worse, what if I wasn't enough to protect Chloe in the first place?The image of Chloe's terrified face flashes in my mind, and my heart clenches. I should have stayed awake. I should have been there to protect her. If anything happens to Chloe because I wasn't strong enough, I'll never forgive myself.

- Red? - Fay's voice breaks through my thoughts.

- Yeah? - I blink, forcing myself to focus on her again.

- We could use a diversion spell. - Fay suggests, her voice trembling with the weight of our situation. - It might buy us some time, at least long enough to get Chloe out safely.

- And what about the Cookbook?- I nod, my mind racing through the possibilities. - We can't let them get their hands on it.

- We could create a fake. I've learned some illusion magic... - Fay hesitates, then suggests. - It won't hold up under close scrutiny, but it might fool them long enough for us to escape.

I weigh the risks. It's not a perfect plan, but it's the best we've got.

- Okay. We'll need to work fast. I'll handle the VKs while you prepare the spells. We can't afford any mistakes.

As we gather what we need, I try to push down the nagging doubts and fears gnawing at me. I'm terrified—more than I've ever been in my life. Not just of failing, but of losing Chloe, the one person who's come to mean everything to me.

When the spells are ready and we've gone over the plan, I arm myself with determination. I force myself to focus, reminding myself that I'm doing this for Chloe. I'm doing this to protect our future together.
But the guilt lingers. What if I'm not enough? What if I'm too late?I shake off the thoughts, pushing them deep down. I have no time for doubts. I have to believe in myself, in Fay, in our plan. Because if I don't, if I falter even for a second, it could cost Chloe everything.

As we prepare to set our plan into motion, I look at Fay and say,

- No matter what happens, thank you. For everything.

Fay smiles, though it's tinged with fear.

- We're going to make this work, Red. We have to.

I nod, steeling myself. I can't afford to fail. Not now. Not when Chloe's life is on the line.


I'm scared of what it'll happen next, and I'm the one writting.

This is reeeeaaally hard.

Brace yourselves, kids.

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