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Red's POV

The clock ticks relentlessly, each second a reminder of our dwindling time. It's nearly 2 a.m., and the night is thick with tension. Chloe and I are huddled together in her dimly lit living room, our faces illuminated only by the faint glow of the streetlights filtering through the curtains. Chloe sits on the couch, her gaze distant, lost in thought, while I pace the room, my fingers white-knuckled around a stack of my mother's cards.

The silence is almost suffocating, filled with the weight of our impending danger. My mind races with countless possibilities, each more terrifying than the last. I can't stop thinking about what could happen if we fail. The thought of losing everything we care about sends a shiver down my spine.

Finally, Chloe's voice breaks the silence, trembling with anxiety.

- Red, we need to do something. We can't just sit here and hope for a miracle.

- I know, Chlo. - I stop pacing and face her, the desperation in her voice mirroring my own. - We can't wait any longer. We have to act now. I've got an idea.

- What is it? - Her eyes meet mine, wide and hopeful.

I take a deep breath, my hands shaking slightly as I hold up the cards.

- I have my mom's cards. - I take a deep breath, my hands shaking slightly as I hold up the cards. - They've got powerful magic. We can use them to spy on Uliana, see what she's planning. If we know her next move, we might have a chance to stop her.

- That's a good start. We need every advantage we can get. - Chloe nods, her face a mix of hope and fear.

With trembling hands, I arrange the cards in the pattern required to activate their magic. My heart pounds in my chest as I recite the incantation, trying to steady my voice despite the anxiety coursing through me.

- Okay, here goes nothing. - I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

The cards begin to shimmer and glow, creating a swirling portal in the center of the room. As the image materializes, I see Uliana and Maleficent in a shadowy chamber, their conversation filled with dark intent.

- We have two days left to prepare. - Uliana's voice cuts through the tension, cold and menacing. - The pocket watch must work perfectly. If we fail to master the wand's magic, everything could be ruined.

- Yes, precision is crucial. Any mistake could have catastrophic consequences. We cannot afford to falter. - Maleficent's reply is equally chilling.

I pull back from the portal, my breath coming in ragged gasps. Chloe's face pales, her eyes wide with terror and determination.

- Two days. - Chloe whispers, her voice trembling. - That's all we have. If she succeeds, the consequences could be unimaginable. We need to stop her before she rewrites history.

- I know. - I reply, my voice strained with the weight of our predicament. - If Uliana gets the pocket watch and the wand right, she could alter everything. The balance of power could shift drastically. We might end up in a world where she rules with an iron fist, and everything we've fought for will be lost.

Chloe's hands are clenched tightly in her lap, her knuckles white with stress. I can see the fear in her eyes, mirroring my own.

- What if we fail?- She asks, her voice breaking. - What if we can't stop her? Everything we care about—our families, Auradon—it could all be destroyed. We might not be able to do anything about it.

- I've been thinking about that too. - Tears sting my eyes as I speak, my frustration bubbling over. - It feels like no matter how hard we try, things just keep going wrong. It's like the universe is against us. Everything's been falling apart since we met. We're always on the edge of disaster, and I don't know if we can keep going.

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