Like a movie

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Red's POV

The sky's been getting darker for a while now, but I ignore it, focusing on the path ahead. The air's thick, heavy with the smell of rain. We've been walking for hours—just the sound of our footsteps and the occasional rustle from the trees keeping us company. Chloe's been trying to stay close, but I keep some distance, staying just ahead of her, my eyes forward. It's not that I don't notice her; it's that I can't let myself.

The wind kicks up, throwing dust and leaves into our faces. I squint against it and glance up. Storm clouds are rolling in faster than I thought. We need to find cover soon, or we'll be caught in the middle of it.

- We should stop soon. - Chloe says, breaking the silence. I feel her words, but I don't respond at first, keeping my pace. Then, I feel her hand on my shoulder—light, hesitant. - Red, we need to find somewhere to wait this out.

I stop. For a second, I just stare at the sky, the storm looming closer. There's a knot in my chest, something tight that won't let go, but I push it down. When I meet her eyes, there's something there—worry, maybe. I don't know. I don't have time to figure it out.

- Yeah, okay. - I say, my voice quieter than I mean for it to be.

Celia and Dizzy are behind us, catching up. I can feel their eyes on me as they exchange a glance.

- There's an old barn just off the path, maybe ten minutes from here. - Celia offers, looking at her map. - We could take shelter there.

I give a quick nod, and we all push forward, picking up the pace. I can feel the first drops of rain hitting the back of my neck as we reach the barn, and within minutes, the sky opens up, rain pouring down in sheets. We hurry inside, the sound of it hammering against the roof almost deafening.

The barn is smaller than I expected, but it looks sturdy. Once we're inside, the wooden walls creak under the weight of the wind, but there's a warmth in here, something almost cozy. I spent three months living in a shed, so this? A barn like this? It's practically luxury. Dizzy finds a corner and curls up, half-asleep already, while Celia stretches out on a pile of old hay, fading fast. It doesn't take them long to settle in, but I can't sleep. I never can—not really.

Too much spinning in my head, thoughts that refuse to leave me alone. The storm outside feels like it's mirroring everything inside me: loud, restless, impossible to ignore.

I turn over again, trying to find a comfortable position. It's useless.

- Red, are you awake? - Chloe's whisper cuts through the silence, and I turn to see her half-sitting up, resting on her elbows.

- Yeah. - I whisper back, keeping my voice low so I don't wake the others. - Can't sleep much lately.

Chloe stands up and moves quietly toward me, her footsteps light on the old barn floor. She sits down next to me, leaning back against the wooden wall. Our shoulders brush, just barely, but the contact sends a small spark through me. Something stirs in my chest—a feeling I don't want to name, something fragile and complicated. But I don't pull away. There's something comforting about her being this close. It's a warmth I haven't felt in a long time.

For a few minutes, we sit in silence, the rain pounding on the roof above us. The storm rages outside, but in here, with her beside me, it feels quieter.

- Red, can I ask you something? - Chloe's voice is soft, hesitant.

I tense up. What's she going to ask? My mind races, already bracing for whatever's coming.

- Shoot. - I say, keeping my tone casual, even though I feel anything but.

She hesitates for a moment, then asks,

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