call it what you want.

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Bridget went to the dress shop, last minute shopping for castlecoming. As she pushed the glass door and entered the shop, she was met by the sight of pretty sequins and every color of the rainbow. She smiled. She loved picking out new dresses! Even though her day had been rough, She still wanted to look cute. She had to avoid James all day and the day before because she didn't want to embarrass him. The whole school knew now about their secret moments and love. She walked over to a dress rack and started looking through it. "Hey! come here pinkie." A raspy voice called. As Bridget turned around, she was met with the sight of Drizella and Anastasia - her bestfriend's stepsisters. "Hi girls.." She said shyly, trying to see what they needed. "Listen. We all know about your little fling with Hook, but just know it is not going to last long. He is the biggest player in our school. He's just toying with you because he wants one thing. He was messing with Drizella last month!" Anastasia said, giving the pink princess a look of pity. "Knowing him, he just wants to take advantage of that royal status.." Drizella chimed in. "Well he's changed! I don't know.. I think he might be the one. He'd never hurt me.. right?" Bridget said, having concern and doubt in her voice. She knew James had a reputation with girls and boys, but maybe he had retired the playboy title. "Think what you want, but you're ruining yourself for a pirate. You're going to be shunned out of society at this rate!" Drizella sneered. Bridget quivered her lip. She wanted to cry. She didn't know how to stand up for herself.

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James walked into the dress parlor, he and Bridget were supposed to look at dresses for her to wear at castlecoming. As he spotted her, he overheard what the two sisters were telling Bridget. "..You're ruining yourself for a pirate! You're going to be shunned out of society at this rate!" He could feel his pulse pounding, each beat feeling like a drumbeat filled with rage. He clenched his fist and ran over to Bridget's side. "Hi ladies, maybe learn to keep your mouths quiet, you're no better than me! You two are just commoners, correct?" James sneered between his gritted teeth. The girls stayed silent and walked out of the shop with their bags, clearly offended by the pirates comment. "Hey princess." James said, his tone and expression softening, embracing her in a soft, warm hug. He didn't know how many more of these he would be able to give. Bridget smiled warmly. They still weren't an actual couple and it almost hurt but it was fine. Hopefully he would ask her out soon. "Let's look at some dresses for my cupcake!" He said enthusiastically. Bridget smiled and picked out a few dresses. First she came out with a hot pink one. It looked like a cupcake wrapper. She spun around in the mirror and smiled. "It's cute, isn't it?" She asked. James awkwardly smiled. He thought it was the ugliest thing ever. "It is, but let's look at some other options, okay?" He responded, smiling awkwardly. Bridget tried out a few more dresses, none of them were particularly standing out. "I'm going to try on my last option, and we can see if it's cute." Bridget said. She went into the dressing room, putting on a sparkly crimson dress that was snug on her curves. She thought it might be too much, after all, she never wore red. It reminded her of her parents too much. She ate a flamingo feather a day to hide her red hair. She hated it and thought pink was more approachable. As she came out of the dressing room, she did a little awkward spin and giggle. James jaw dropped. He had never seen someone so ethereal. She took his breath away. She had to be the closest thing to a mortal goddess. "I-.." He stammered. Bridget got nervous, "What! Do you not like it??" She asked frantically. "No! No. I love it. He said, standing up and grabbing her waist, looking down at the dress. He lifted up his hook and put it on her chin, positioning her so they could have eye contact. "You're so gorgeous it actually hurts.. red really is your color." He whispered. Her cheeks became flushed, their noses were touching, James giggled. It was cute seeing her so flustered. She put back on her regular outfit, payed, and the two left.

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They were hand in hand, strolling around town. They sat by a river in a park. It was silent apart from the sound of the stream. "Bridget?" James whispered. Bridget looked at him in the eyes, "Yes?" she responded. "I want to ask you something." He continued. It was silent, Bridget was waiting for him to continue. "I know we're polar opposites, but we've been spending so much time together. I should've asked you earlier. Would you please give me the honor of being your boyfriend?" He asked, caressing her hand. Bridget gasped, "Of course! Of course i will." She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. She had never been so happy in her life. She finally felt.. loved. Cared about. James was the sweetest thing in her life. "I also got you something. I know it's not much, but I want everyone to know you're mine." James said, pulling out a box that contained a golden chain with a cursive J on it. Bridget smiled, pulling up her hair as her love put it on her neck. Nothing else mattered in the world. Call it what you want, but this was love. Nothing could break it.

Line Without A Hook.. {Bridget x Hook 🪝🧁}Where stories live. Discover now