Begin Again

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Bridget woke up looking out the window and being met by a view of the ocean blue waves. James told his crew to sail them far away. It had been a week and she still couldn't believe it. She hadn't talked to him because she just didn't fully trust him, but today was the day. She went up to the deck and sat by the bow. Sometimes she wondered what would happen if she just jumped off. Would anyone try to save her? She peered over the ledge, resisting her urges. She felt a hand and a hook on her waist. Slightly looking back, she saw James. He pulled her back, away from the ledge. "It's not safe right there." He stated, looking down at the ground. "Can we talk?" Bridget asked. James softly smiled at her. "yeah." He sat down, facing her. "I'm sorry i've been so horrible and mean. It's just been hard. My life just got flipped upside down and i'm just trying to navigate everything." Bridget whispered, staring deeply into James eyes. James sighed. He didn't know why they made the irrational decision to run away together, but they did. They would have to live with it. "It's going to be okay. We can work through this. Adults work through things all the time, and if we are going to run away, then we need to grow up. There's no going back now. It would be too much to risk. They're probably already looking for you." James responded, caressing her hand. Bridget looked up at the blue sky, her red hair blowing in the wind. It was straighter now. James thought her natural beauty was perfect. They were going to live their lives and work through their issues. "Why don't we get to know eachother more. Right now." Bridget suggested. "Why not." James responded, fixing his posture. "How'd you lose your hand?" Ouch. We were getting personal right away. James grabbed his hook, staring at it. He wasn't going to get into specifics. "A guy named Peter... Anyways. What's the deal with your parents? Anytime they get brought up you get super defensive." Everything went silent. Bridget developed a souring expression on her face and James started regretting the question. "Well." Her voice started cracking. She looked to the side, "It's just my Dad. He's not a king, he's a tyrant. Whenever someone doesn't listen to him, it's off with their head. I'll never be like him. I never want to be queen. I want to live my own life. My mom got her head chopped off, and i saw it all."  She trailed off, tears welling in her eyes. James felt horrible. Why would he even ask? He was such an idiot. "Well, what about your parents?" She cleared her throat, making a cold eye contact with him. "I never knew my father, he was never in the picture. My mother left me when I was very young. My first mate, Smee, had found me alone and abandoned and his father took me in." James spoke. They had a lot to get to know about eachother. "Well, forget our parents. Let's live our life to the fullest and adventure together. We can make a life together and be better than our parents!" Bridget exclaimed. James smiled. Maybe this wouldn't go horrible. Maybe they could have a love just like the movies.

Line Without A Hook.. {Bridget x Hook 🪝🧁}Where stories live. Discover now