34 | Cerise

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"Let me know when you make it home," she said softly, her cheek squashed against Saint's chest.

She slipped away from the hug, and once his fingers even hinted to reach for her face she was already rising on her tiptoes.

His lips pressed to hers, short and sweet, and then her feet fully touched the ground again.

Cerise felt bad as she stood before her apartment door, looking up at the corner of his down-turned lip.

But she really did just want a second where her head didn't feel clouded just from knowing that he was nearby.

She wanted a moment to think and bring herself back to Earth.

Saint made her float, and now she only had a tether keeping her connected to the life that she used to know.

But the rope was starting to fray and snap, and she was apprehensive of whatever could be waiting for her in the unknown hidden amongst the clouds.

"I don't like this," he muttered, and his thumb brushed over her chin before he let his hand fall to his side.

"Saint," she sighed, "Please drop it for now."

He silently watched her, and it felt like an hour later until he allowed his head to nod the tiniest bit.

Cerise rose on her toes again, pressing a kiss to his jaw, "Thank you."

Then she turned to her door, quickly unlocking it and stepping inside.

As she turned around, it was difficult.

It was always difficult for her to close the door on Saint, knowing hours would pass until she would see him again.

"Drive safely," she requested of him, "I'll talk to you later."

Her fingers lingered on the edge of the door as he was still yet to move a muscle aside from idly rotating the ring wrapped around his index finger, mint eyes slowly searching each detail on her face.


He sighed deeply, ever so slightly shaking his head before combing his fingers through his hair. His fingers tightly scrunched the strands briefly, his downturned lip curving sharper as he looked away from her.

"You're a smart girl, Cherry," he decided to shove his hands deep into his pockets, "Mais écervelé en même temps."

[But scatterbrained at the same time]

He stepped forward to press one more kiss to her forehead, mumbling something else she couldn't make out afterward.

"Goodnight," Saint wished her before finally taking a step back, "I'll let you know when I'm home."

Cerise watched his retreating figure until she couldn't anymore.

She shook her head from the way she instantly wanted him to turn around and come back to her. Eventually, she was able to close the door, and the lock turning sounded deafening as she sealed herself in the familiarity of her apartment.

Her back felt cold against the solid wood of the door as she used it for support, slowly dragging her hands down her face as she slumped against it.

I'm not that advanced yet... he started off with a compliment and then the last half was French I didn't understand except for 'but'.

Did he just call me stupid?

And what the heck was that first part supposed to mean anyway?

After sprinkling some food in Patrick's tank, Cerise navigated her way to her bedroom. She wanted nothing more than to wash off her day at the beach, but her bed was calling her name as soon as she laid eyes on it.

Please, with a Cherry on top? | 18+Where stories live. Discover now