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deleted the first part, made a second part, combined it with the first one (edited/rewritten) and republished it


He spaced out a lot.

Not usually.

But recently.

Really, he shouldn't be worrying. None of the other ninja were worrying, so why would he? He really, really, cannot worry about Cole. Why couldn't he just be like them and not let the earth ninja distract him?

They were practice fighting against each other, and Cole had just stopped. Like he was hypnotized or something. It was creepy. But  before he could slow himself down, Kai accidentally sliced his arm open, thinking Cole was going to block the strike.

Cole yelped and fell backward, regaining his focus. His left arm was bleeding significantly. 

"I'm sorry, dude. I thought you were going to block it!" Kai said.

Cole gingerly touched it and recoiled backward, spitting a string of curses. 

"It...hurts." He said. It seemed to take a lot of effort to speak. 

Lloyd and Nya finally noticed the commotion and came over. "Shit, are you okay Cole?" Lloyd said. 

"I...I hurts..." He spoke slowly and choppily. His eyes began to close.

"Cole, stay with us, okay?" Nya shouted, even though they were right next to each other. "Kai, call 9-1-1!!" 

Kai, who hadn't said a word the whole time. Kai, who did nothing at all to try to help when he injured Cole. Kai, who is useless and stupid and-

"Kai! Hello? You there?" She waved her hand in front of his face. 

Snapped out of his trance, he whipped out his phone. "Yeah, yes, sorry, I'm fine!"

"He's losing a lot of blood." she whispered to herself. 

Shit shit shit. You messed up big time, Kai. Now Cole's gonna die and it's all because of - 


Somehow he gets a person on the line. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" A woman's voice greets him. 

"My friend. He's- he's loosing a lot of blood." Glancing at Nya, giving her the look that said 'You're the smart one, what do I do?'

"Okay, where are you?" she says. 

Reciting the address of the monastery from memory, the lady on the other end says that ambulances are on their way. 

Dropping his phone onto the courtyard, he sinks to his knees. Why couldn't you have done anything, Kai? Anything would've helped, literally anything, and you did nothing. He's gonna die because of -


He hears sirens in the distance.


"He's going to die. It's all my fault." Kai whispered.

"Shut. up." Nya said. "He is not going to die."

The two ninja were sitting on the roof of the monastery talking in the middle of the night. Cole had been taken to the hospital and he still was unconscious.

"He probably hates me now."

Nya didn't reply. She had her phone out, so he couldn't really blame her for not saying anything, but he did. Anything to take off some of the pain from the fault. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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