The Truth Comes Out

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The adrenaline rush kicked in as he drove back to his office, glancing around his surroundings with paranoia and he could have sworn he saw Angor in the distance.

He rushes to the school and enters his office and locks the door, then he lowers the curtains to cover the windows and catches his breath.

For a moment, he thought he heard heavy footsteps outside his office, but it was just a false alarm and calms down.

"Do not panic. There is no need to panic. I just need to contact Otto." Strickler spoke to himself and turned to his desk.

He unlocks the secret door and walks into the other room and searches for something.

Soon enough he sighs with relief as he takes a small box and opens it, a moment later he stuffed whatever he was looking for in his pocket and heads over to pick up a mysterious phone and dials the number.

"I'm honestly still surprised he kept his word and removed the spell between Jim and Strickler. And he only gave me the Killstone if I promise I won't kill him. It was hard to trust him, but I had to." Barbara spoke while Blinky was examining the Killstone.

"A dangerous risk to trade the ring, but I'm glad it worked out well. However, I am curious as to why?" The blue troll questions curiously.

"The only thing he told me is that he also hates Gunmar and would want him to be taken down for ruining his home." The woman replied.

"Hmm. That does explain why he sold his soul for powerful magics."

Soon, Crystal and Lucas walk in.

"So, do we have any plans in getting the third and last stone?" Crystal asks.

"Not today. As of now, I can only assume Strickler would find another way to stop us from getting the last stone without controlling Angor Rot. Besides, I have no clue where we can find it. There are several caverns that go as deep as the Earth's core. To search them all would far outlast our life-spans." Blinky explained disappointedly.

Then, he looks around and notices someone is missing.

"Has anyone seen Aarrrghh? I haven't seen him today."

"I have. He said he's just going to visit Vendel for something." Lucas replied.

Blinky raised a brow and hummed, curiously wondering why would Aarrrghh visit Vendel, unless it's something important.

Crystal looked out of the entrance of the den with a suspicious look, thinking the same thing.

"Can you wiggle your fingers?" Vendel asked.

"Uh-uh." Aarrrghh mumbled with disappointment as he tried to move his fingers.

The poison has spread further to his hand, creating a discoloration on his skin and it hurt the more he tried to move it.

Vendel hovers his Heartstone staff around the large troll's arm, examining poison very closely.

Vendel hovers his Heartstone staff around the large troll's arm, examining poison very closely

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