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The Griffin flew me back to camp. I can't believe I just left her there. She's probably dead because of me. When we finally made it back, Lucy was there waiting for us along with other Narnians that stayed behind.

"What happened?" she asked, I looked down and kept walking.

"Ask him." Peter says motioning to Caspian.

"Peter." Susan says.

"Hey, you could've still called it off! There was still time." He said raising his voice. I just tuned out.

"...Denali wouldn't be gone." Peter said finishing and that caught my attention.

"Are you saying she's dead? Are you saying that it's Caspian's fault that she's gone?? Peter, listen, none of this would have happened if you would've just called off." I turn around and walk into the How. This was not planned.


I woke up, my shin was bandaged. I sit up and crack my neck and spine then I open my eyes. I was in a jailcell, by myself. I started to panic. I stood up and walk towards the door but suddenly got pulled back. I was chained to the wall. I had handcuffs and I didn't have any weapons. Not even the one in my bra. Did they strip me or something? "Hello?!? Hellooo?!? Why am I in here? Where is everybody else??" I say rattling the bars of my cell.

"SHUT UP!! WILL YOU?" a voice says. I see Miraz walking down the steps of the jailhouse. "Did you sleep well, My Queen?"

"H-How do you know wh-who I am?" I ask tilting my head.

"You think hiding inside a little cave will keep you from being known who and where you are?" He says now at my jail door.

I backup into the wall. "But I never left." He smirks.

"One prisoner can tell you all answers."

"You have captured none of my Narnians!"

"Yes, but I have captured a person who is knowledged by them." he pauses, "You and a King, you are in a relationship?" my breath hitches... Edmund. He smiles, "That's a yes, You see I will use you for bait. If you foil my plan I will kill them. All of them."

"No. No you can't!! I won't do anything for you!" I scream at him. He shrugs.

"Very well. This plan is more fun anyway." He says laughing. He takes me to a big hall with a lot of thrones and one big one in the middle. He asks the General to chain me up. I get chained and got tied a muffler over my mouth. He puts a cape on. Words were being spoken while he walked past all the smaller thrones and made his way towards the biggest one. He kneels down as a crown is placed on his head. I tried to scream but nothing came out but a few muffled cries. He sits down and everyone bows to him. I kick around and he glares at me.

He puts me in a cage and his army walks into the middle of the woods,towards Aslan's How. I sigh, Edmund, I'm so sorry.


I hear commotion inside Aslan's stone table. I look over at Trumpkin and Peter and they look back at me. Peter grabs his sword and so do I. We make it there and there's an ice wall in the middle of the room, Denali being in it. She was wearing a white dress and her hair was all black. She had a hand reached out in front of Caspian and he was leaning in.

I was running towards her when a werewolf creature attacks me and I dodge, I glance over and Caspian was being hypnotized by Denali and he had a bloody hand. Oh no. I try to jab the werewolf but he rolls under me and flips me over. I turn to my left and I see Lucy fighting Nikabrik. I stand up but the Wolf pounces on me. I stand up and run to a stone column and step one foot on it turn toward the wolf and slice its neck.

Never Forget (Sequel to The Witch's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now