Part 45

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Jungkook drove as fast as he could, his mind racing with fear and anger. When he finally arrived at the warehouse where Seri had told him to come, he felt his heart hammering in his chest. The building looked dark and abandoned, but he knew she was inside, waiting for him.

He got out of the car and walked quickly towards the entrance, his hands clenched into fists. Seri stood there, smiling in that cruel way that always made his skin crawl.

Jungkook:-"Where is y/n?"

 Jungkook asked, his voice low but filled with a barely controlled rage. Seri just tilted her head, looking at him with mock innocence. Then, she stepped aside, revealing you, tied to a chair, unconscious, and completely helpless. Jungkook's breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, he felt like his heart had stopped.


he whispered, his voice trembling. He wanted to run to you, to untie you and hold you close, but his feet felt like they were stuck in place. The sight of you like that, so still, so vulnerable, was more than he could bear.

Suddenly, a series of loud explosions shook the ground beneath him. The walls around them started crumbling as smoke filled the air. Namjoon and his team burst into the building, their guns drawn, shouting orders. But Jungkook didn't care about any of that. All he could see was you. He ran to your side, his hands shaking as he fumbled with the ropes that held you down.

Jungkook :-"Y/N, please, wake up," 

he begged, his voice cracking with fear. 

Jungkook:-"I'm here now. I've got you. You are safe."

Jungkook's heart raced as he finally freed you from the ropes. He pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly against his chest. The feeling of your body in his arms, warm, but still and lifeless, made him choke back a sob. 

Jungkook:-"You're safe now, Y/N. I'm here, please open your eyes Y/n." 

he whispered, his voice trembling as he buried his face in your hair. He could feel the tears starting to spill over, but he didn't care. All that mattered was that he had you back. You were alive, and he wasn't going to let you go. Jungkook held you even tighter, his body shaking with relief and fear. 

Jungkook:-"I thought I lost you," he whispered, his voice breaking. 

Jungkook:-"I thought... I thought I'd never see you again. I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you."

As he continued to hold you, something wet and sticky touched his hand. He pulled back slightly, his heart pounding with fear. That's when he saw it, the blood. It was spreading across your clothes, staining them a deep, terrifying red. For a moment, Jungkook's mind went blank. His breath caught in his throat, and the world around him seemed to blur. 

Jungkook :-"No... no, no, no..." 

he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. His hands shook as he gently touched your stomach, feeling the warmth of the blood seeping through your clothes.

Jungkook :-"Please, no... not our baby... not our baby..."

His vision blurred with tears as he hugged you even closer, his chest heaving with sobs. The joy of having you back was ripped away by the sheer terror of losing you again, of losing the child you both had dreamed of. 

Jungkook:-"Y/N, please... wake up... please, stay with me,"

he begged, his voice breaking into desperate cries. 

Jungkook:-"I don't want to lose you. I can't lose our baby..."

The tears streamed down his face as he clutched you, his heart shattering with every passing second. The pain in his chest was unbearable, like someone was ripping his heart out piece by piece.

Jungkook :-"I'm so sorry... I should have been there... I should have protected you..." 

His voice cracked as he continued to plead, his sobs filling the air. 

Jungkook:-"Please, Y/N... I love you... please, open your eyes..."

Jungkook's cries echoed in the empty, crumbling building, a raw expression of his grief and fear. The world around him seemed to disappear, leaving only the sound of his desperate pleas and the feeling of your lifeless body in his arms. Seri's laugh rang out, sharp and cruel, cutting through his despair. 

Seri:-"It's too late, Jungkook," she sneered. 

Seri:-"You've already lost everything."

Y/N's Baby no sorry, DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now