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Lani's POV

I had work today and girl it was kicking my ass. The customers, managers, and my coworkers were just irritating me. I just wanted to go home to my bed and go to sleep. I had one more hour of my shift when DD calls me.

*Phone convo*

DD- Hey ma how's work

Lani- Long I just want to go home

DD- I know. What time do you get off?

Lani- 9

DD- Ard bet I'll see you later

Lani- Ok bae love you

DD- Love you too.


"Yes Ms. Wanda here I come" I hate this job so much.


Lani sounded so irritated on the phone just now. I could tell easily she's not that good at hiding her feelings from me. I decided that I was gonna surprise her and treat her today. It's 8:15 so I had to run to the store to get her favorite candy, drink, flowers, and body wash.

Time skip

I got back home and started preparing her surprise. I made a rose petal trail leading to the bedroom and on the bed where I laid all her snacks. I ran her a bath and put petals on there too. Everything was perfect now all I gotta do is wait.

Lani's POV

I finally made it home and I just wanted to fall in the bed. As I walk in DD is sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Hey ma"


"You good"

"Yeah I'm just tired"

"I know but I have a surprise"

" Baby please no I just want to go to sleep"

" Yeah yeah all that just close your eyes"

Knowing DD whatever he wants he gets. So I closed my eyes and took his hand and he led me upstairs.

"A'ight  mami you ready for your surprise"

"I guess"

"Ok open your eyes"

I slowly opened my eyes and just stood there in shock. There were rose petals everywhere, all of my favorite snacks, and when I followed the trail of roses to the bathroom there was a nice rose petal bath waiting for me.

"Oh my gosh DD" I said tearing up. He held my face and wiped my tears.

"Don't cry ma heart"

" Why did you do this"?

"Because you deserve it. You work so hard for the things you want that you forget to take care of yourself ma".

He was right. I've been overworking and haven't really been treating myself.

"Thank you bae"

He kisses my forehead and just looks at me

"I love you mami"

"I love you too"

He guided me to the bathroom so I can take my bath. It was perfect. I wash up, put on my pajamas, and did my skincare routine. After that DD gave me a full body massage. While I was eating my candy we watched a movie and he ran his fingers through my hair. I started getting sleepy, I let out one more yawn, bury my head in his chest and fall asleep.


Hey love bugs. I know this one is a little late but I was pretty busy. I'm working on my next chapter for you guys and hopefully I can get it to you guys by next week. As always lmk what you guys think and leave some suggestions in the comments. Love you 💕 (say it back)

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