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Lani's POV

I was at home when DD's mom called me

*phone convo*

"Hola Lani"

"Hola ma"

"Como esta"?

"Buena y tu"


"I see you've been practicing your Spanish"

"Trying to"

"You're doing a good job"


"Mhm. I was calling bc DD is sick and won't do anything to get better. I tried to give him medicine, have him eat something, but he said he didn't want any of that and he just wants yu to come over"

"Hmm ok I'll be there soon. I think I can get him to take his medicine and all that stuff"

"You're the best. Muchas gracias".

"No problem I'll be there soon"

"Ok bye"

"Bye bye"

I got up and started getting ready to go to DD's house. Now don't get me wrong I love him and all but I refuse to get sick so I took a mask and was on my way.

When I got to the house his mom opened the door for me and told me he was upstairs I knocked on his door.

"Bro go away"

"Ok see ya"

"Wait. Ma? It's yu? Come in!!

"I thought so"

"I missed yu"

"I missed yu too baby"

"Why yu got that mask on"

"Bae as much as I love yu I don't love being sick so I'm keeping this mask on"

"Bro what? How am I supposed to see yo face wit that ugly ass mask on or give yu a kiss"

"You've seen my face before and you've kissed me before you'll live"

"Mann ard"

"Ok so yu need to take this-"

"I ain't takin that shit"

"DD you're gonna take this medicine"

"You're eyes are so beautiful mami"

"Ik what you're doing"

"What yu talkin bout"

"Whatever I'm gonna get yu a bottle of water"

"Ma cmere yu got sumn on yo face"


"Here lemme get it"

I leaned over to him and this mf snatched and broke the mask!!!!


"Stop cryin you'll live"

"No that actually hurt it got caught on my nose ring bro, I should punch yu in yo shit rn"

"Aye bruh relax come back here"


"Don't yu feel better that yu can breathe"

"I guess but now ima get sick"

"It's ok ma I'll take care of yu"


"Gimme kiss"

"Hell nah I told yu I don't want to get sick"


And he pulled me into his lap and put his hand on my throat

"I'm tired of yu playin wit me give me a kiss"

"Alright alright" and I gave him a kiss

"See I feel better already"

Then his mom walked in

"Boy let go of her before she get sick"

"She good. Right bae"

"Yeah I'm good" I said smiling and rolling my eyes

"Alright then. I got yu some soup and some water"

"Just leave it there on the desk"


And she walked out closing the door behind her.

"Ok baby take this"

"Nah I'm good"

"Bae" I looked at him seriously.



I took the medicine and drunk some water.

"See that wasn't so bad"

"I guess. But now I'm hungry"

"Here eat this"

"Thank yu mama"

Lani's POV

After DD took his medicine and ate he fell asleep in my chest. Eventually I started to get sleepy too so I also went to sleep but then I woke up.

"Ma where yu goin"



"Well I wasn't exactly plannin on staying here"

"Please just stay"

"No bae not this time"

"Please mama"

"I don't want to get sick bae"

"I told yu already that if yu do I'll take care of yu ma"

I rolled my eyes

"Ok I'll stay. But what ima sleep in"?

"Uhhh I guess basketball shorts and a wife beater"

"I guess that'll do"

I changed clothes and climbed into his bed.

"Goodnight baby"

"Goodnight mama thank yu for comin ova"

"You're welcome"


Hey bestie! Wyd? Yall do yk how hard it is to write two different books wit two completely different characters?!?!? And like I have so many like ideas I want to write but I keep makin them abt Lani and DD and forgetting that I have to make stories abt Neveah and Ddot. 😂. Man oh man. Anyways how are yall liking the Ddot book so far?? Did yu read part one of the proposal story?? No? Girllllll yu better go read it yo man is goin all out for yu. I think ima make it two parts maybe three idk I really went all out wit this one. Also this week is maintenance week😝😝😝😝 I get my hair and nails dne for my date/ hangout on Saturday. Yes I'll tell yu how it went. Also ntm on the Spanish I had to use google translate but some of the stuff I knew.. sort of. ANYWAYSSSS as usual yall know the drill do I really have to say it?? No? Good. BYE I LOVE YOUUU MWUAHHH💋🫶🏼💕

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