Cherry juice🩸

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Lani's pov-

I was at school in my 4th period class when all of a sudden my stomach started cramping so bad. I got up and went to the bathroom and saw I started.


I immediately called my mom telling her to come get me. When I got home I took a hot shower, rinsed my clothes out, and changed into comfy clothes. I hated getting my period. I was always in pain, had an attitude, and just was overall just bleh.

A few hours later I get a call from DD.

*Facetime video from Teddy Bear💕💋*


"Ma why yu leave early"

"I don't feel good"

" what's wrong"

"Cherry juice"

"Cherry juice? What does that- OHHHHH"


"Rd I'm omw"


"Love yu ma just hang in there"

"Love yu too"

*end of ft call*

After I got off the phone with DD I put on a movie but I couldn't even watch it bc my cramps were killing me. I drunk water, used my heating pad, but nothing seemed to be working. I curled up into a ball with tears running down my face when I hear a knock.

"Go away"

"It's me ma"

"Come in"


When I walked into Lani's room she was in a ball crying.

"Mama what's wrong".

"My stomach DD it hurts so bad"

She could barely look at me she was in so much pain.

"I'll be right back"

I went into the hallway to get the bags i got from the store. I got chocolates, ice cream, chips, Midol, and water.

"Here ma take this"

"What is it"

"Pain killers, my sister uses them all the time"

"You sure yu not tryna kill me"

"Take the damn pill"

No soon as she did she passed out. I'M JOKING GUYS DONT ATTACK ME

"It'll take a while for it to work but it'll help"

"Thank you"

I wiped her face

"Stop crying mami I'm here now"

Lani's POV-

I was so happy when DD came to check on me. He's the best. I was still in a little bit of pain but it was manageable now.

"Bae what else is in those bags?"

"Just a bunch of snacks and stuff and this is my overnight bag"

"Overnight bag?"

"Isn't that what I said nigga"

"Don't start"

"I'm playin ma chill. I'm spending the night here tn and maybe a few other nights if yu need me too"

"Thank yu baby"

"Ofc ma yk I gotchu"

He gave me a kiss and went to shower and stuff.

"Oh ma before I forget"


"Take that shirt off"

"Boy yu is not gettin play this week what yu talkin bout"

"No ma so yu can wear this"

His hoodie.

"Awww thank youuuuu"


Time skip


It's around 8pm now and I was getting hungry and sleepy.


"Yea ma"

"Can we get some food"

"What yu want"

"Hmm... Chick-Fil-a"

"Rd I gotchu"

"Thank you bae"

When the food came we were tryna find a good movie to watch and ended up picking "Friday"
(One of my favorite movies btw)

I was laying down on DD's chest and as we were watching the movie. He massaged my stomach to ease the cramps.

"Feeling better ma"

"A lil bit"

He pulled the covers over us and we both watched the movie. I ended up falling asleep still in DD's arms. He kissed my forehead before saying

" Goodnight mama"

"Goodnight handsome I love yu"

"I love yu more"

And I finally went into a deep sleep.


Back again like I never left. Anyways yes this one was a bit short but do igaf? No. Yu should be grateful. Plus I actually think this one is cute. As usual lmk what yu think and yeah gn loves💋💗

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