The necklace😔 (pt.2)

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Lani's POV

I went to school the next day but without my necklace. It felt so weird not wearing it. I was at my locker and DD and Ddot came up to me.

DD- hey mami

Lani- hey bae

DD- yu good

Lani- yeah just... tired

DD- oh ok. Where's yo necklace


Lani- uh it's at home I took it off when I was in the shower. I guess I forgot to put it on

DD- right. Well uh I'll see yu later

Lani- ok

I gave him a quick kiss and walked off to class


DD- bro yu saw that

Ddot- yeah

DD- what's wrong wit her

Ddot- idk maybe she's tired like she said

DD- right

That's weird. Lani wasn't wearing her necklace I gave her and she looked real anxious. She wasn't lyin to me was she? Nah she wouldn't do that I'm trippin.

The whole day Lani was lowkey avoiding me. I thought it was just one of those days but sumn just wasn't right. So before she went to track practice I went up to her

DD- Lani


DD- what's wrong mama

Lani- nothing

DD- stop lyin

Lani- I'm not I told yu I'm tired and I have track practice

DD- ik yu lyin

Lani- I'm not DD. Look I have to go I'll call yu later today ok

DD- mhm

Lani's POV

Man I hope Ddot fixed this necklace.

2 hours later

Ddot's POV

I was driving all around the block to find someone who could fix this necklace. Then I remembered my friend Jaylen fixes jewelry and stuff like that. I called him and he told me to come through.

It didn't take long for him to fix it. I just had to figure out a way to give it to Lani without DD being suspicious more than what he is rn.

Lani's POV

I got home from track practice and I called DD

*phone convo*

Lani- hey bae

DD- wsp

Lani- nun I just came home from track practice

DD- type shit

Lani- well what are yu doing

DD- nun

Lani- what's wrong wit yu

DD- ain't nun wrong wit me

Lani- yes there is

DD- I'm chillin shorty

Lani- Shorty??? Who is yu talkin to like that

DD- bruh here yu go

Lani- what are yu talkin abt

DD- cuz yu bout to start an argument for nun

Lani- no I'm not I'm asking yu what's wrong. And who yu tryna get loud wit

DD- bruh pipe down

Lani- ard bruh

DD- now yu mad

Lani- I'm not mad, but yk how I feel abt yu not telling me stuff and keeping secrets

DD- you're one to talk abt keeping secrets

Lani- oh so that's what we doin now? Whatchu tryna say

DD- I'm sayin for someone who's been avoiding me all day, barely talked to me, and can't tell me what the issue is needs to practice what she preaches.

Oh no he didn't.

Lani- ard that's a bet

DD- heard yu

*hangs up on her*

Ugh he doesn't get it. Look ik what yall thinking "Khalani why yu ain't just tell him the truth" it's bc I don't want him to get mad that I broke the necklace, and I don't want him to keep spending money on me even if he's rich. Idk it's complicated.

Hey bestie! Wyd? Yes part two is here. Rs do yall get what Lani's saying? Cuz I do. Personally yes it's nice to get gifts from ppl but I just don't like the thought of someone else spending money on me when they can spend it on better things. That's just me but ANYWAY. If yu haven't read my new Ddot chapter go read it. I'll start writing in my new book soon I promise. And to the bestie that made a request in the last book, I'm working on it now and it'll be out on Friday I promise. Yu already know the drill leave comments and allat stuff and yeah love you byeeeeee💋🫶🏼

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