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Lani's POV

I've been friends with DD, Ddot and all them for a while now. And I found both Ddot and DD cute. Trust me if yu were me yu would think the same thing. But honestly I didn't want a guy bc he was cute. He had to treat me right also.

Ddot had called me cuz he was goin out to this party tn

*phone convo*

Ddot- yooo

Lani- Heyy

Ddot- wyd mh

Lani- nun chillin why

Ddot- there's this party tn yu should come through

Lani- ok

Ddot- I'll pick yu up later

Lani- heard yu

Ddot- ard

*End of call*

I picked out an outfit and got ready. Abt 15 mins later he called back tellin me he was he here

Ddot- damn Lani what took yu so long

Lani- I wanted to make sure I looked good

Ddot- whatever

We drove to the party and as soon as yu walked in yu smelt weed and alcohol. I saw some of my homegirls so I walked off. I also saw DD and the others so I went up to them

Lani- Hey DD

DD- oh shit wassup I ain't know yu was comin

Lani- Ddot told me abt it last minute

DD- oh type shit.

Lani- yeah. Well I'll catch up with yu later I'm goin over there with my friends

DD- ard be careful

Lani- I ain't no baby I'm gangsta (yall know she hard headed😂 still love her tho)

DD- yeah aight "gangsta"

So abt 3 hours into the party I started getting tired. I was tipsy but not drunk so I went to Ddot and told him I was ready to go

Lani- Ddot

Ddot- yoooooo he slurred

Lani- I'm ready to go

Ddot- then go can't yu see I'm dealin wit a shorty right here

Lani- yu drove me dumbass

Ddot- aye watch yo mouth fo I deck yo shit

Lani- whatever

I went over to the couch and was ready to get an uber and then DD came up to me

DD- yooo

Lani- hey

DD- what's wrong

Lani- I'm tired and ready to go but Ddot's not even in the right state of mind or even conscious enough to drive me back

DD- I'll take yu back

Lani- did yu drink

DD- nah just smoked

Lani- Mmm ok

So I got in the car with DD and left Ddot at Dee's house where the party was. About 10 mins later we got to my house

DD- ma wake up we here

Lani- huh

DD- we here

Lani- oh thanks

DD- no problem. Cmon I'll walk yu up

Lani- yu don't have to

DD-ik but I just wan make sure yu safe and stuff

Lani- ok

He got out the car and opened my door for me. He took my hand and walked me up to the door and came inside.

DD- here hold on to my shoulder while yu take yo heels off

Lani- thank yu

DD- yeah no problem. And btw yu looked mad good tn

Lani- yu did too

I said blushing and cheesing. He stayed over for a while longer while I did my night routine and he was abt to leave

Lani- thanks for staying for a while

DD- yk it ain't nun when it comes to yu

He said smiling. I started blushing really hard cuz why was his smile so cute. I led him to the door and told him

Lani- goodnight DD drive safe

DD- thanks ma

And he gave me a kiss on the lips before he left.

Lani- wait what was that for

DD- I been waiting to do that. I'll call yu when I get home

Lani- ok. Bye

DD- later mama

Omg he called me ma and mama and told me I looked good AND KISSED ME!!!! When I closed the door I did a lil dance and went upstairs. And he kept his promise he called me that night.

*phone convo*

DD- before yu gts I gotta tell yu sumn

Lani- make it quick cuz my eyes are goin low

DD- well I been lookin at yu for a minute and I lowkey want yu.

Lani- is that why yu kissed me

DD- yeah.

I thought abt it for a second I did have my eyes on DD for a while too and he did take me home and made sure I was good.

Lani- I've been having my eye on yu too. And yu did sort of take of me tn

DD- so yu mine

Lani- are yu asking me or telling me

DD- ehh both

I giggled and said

Lani- yes

DD- ard bet goodnight mami

Lani- goodnight boo

I started thinkin was this love or lust? I guess we'll find out in the long run. Either way my feelings for him were there. I can't say I love him but I have love for him as of now☺️🫶🏼

Hey bestie! Wyd? To the bestie that requested this I hope this is what yu meant and it meets your expectations. I really tried I did. As yall know I wrote in the new book and my Ddot book I'll publish them a lil later so ik yall might harass me but I'm staying strong 😂😂😂. Remember that if today wasn't a good day there's always tmrw, and just keep your head up. Stay pretty and always have a good mindset and energy. I'm hoping that me writing for yall and responding to yu guys makes your day bc it makes mine cuz yall are funny as fuck🤣🤣🤣🤣. Anyways have a good weekend besties love youuu🫶🏼😘

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