Hangen With Friends

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Connor's POV
Last night I didn't like that dream at all but at least I didn't wake the whole house up, and now cuddling with Jude. I love him. I was the first to wake up. I saw that my head was on Jude's chest and that his one hand was on my head. So I moved his hand on to my chest and kissed him on the neck. I accidentally woke him up.

"Oh, good morning my prince, sry to wake you."

"Aw, good morning my precious, its fine." He replied. "So if you don't mind me asking what was your poor nightmare about?"

"I don't mind it was about," you guys knew what it was about. "So ya I was terrified thanks for waking me up."

"Your welcome, and I would never leave you for the new kid in school even if he asked me out or if he was cute. I love you that's all that matter."

After all that we got ready for today, we were going to hang out with Taylor. She is our best friend, not Daria because she hates Jude for not certain reason.

Jude's POV
"Hey Connor, you ready to go meet Taylor at the mall?"

"Ya be down in a min." He replied

Lena drove us to the mall, and when we got there we have seen Taylor waiting at the main lobby of the mall.

"Ok boys when am I coming to pick you guys up?" Lena asked before she left.

"I do not know, I'll text you for when we are ready to go."

"Ok bye."

"Bye." we both respond.

Then after that we walked up to Taylor and notice someone with her. It was of course Daria.

"Hi Taylor, um...hi Daria?" Me and Connor say.

I whispered to Taylor asking her why she was here.

"I was just standing here waiting for you two, and she came out as soon as you guys pulled in. But she will be getting picked up any minute so don't worry." She replied in a whisper, to me and Connor.

Connor's POV
As we had to wait with Daria because she made us she kept bugging me.

"Connor, what you been up to lately? Have you dated any girls yet?" Daria is a twit.

"Daria please I am gay, you know that, I'm not Bi I'm gay now leave it at that. And I need to stay at his house for the weekend, my dad's flight was delayed a few long hours." I replied trying to tell her to accept my gayness.

"Wait if you're gay then spend the night at a girls house, um like mine. I mean what if someone walked in to your room you're staying in with Jude."she replied, that Bitch.

"Ok there's your mom bye!"

"Fine, bye guys."


We all were happy she was gone so then we went in to the mall, to a new restaurant that was built not to long ago.

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