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Moonpaw woke up early to the sound of cats calling her mentor's name.

Her paws still ached from all the hunting she had done yesterday, but her curiosity overpowered her need to rest, so she padded over to where the dawn patrol was talking to Rubystar in fast out of breath words.


"There was-"

"They crossed!"

"The squirrel-"

"The mouse-"
Rubystar flicked her tail, silencing them.

"I need you both to take deep breaths and tell me exactly what happened."

"They left mouse and squirrel blood plus their scent on our territory." Obsidianclaw growled.

"They should be punished severely!" Goldpaw mewed angrily. "That was our prey!"

Rubystar sighed. "I knew this would happen."

And then she looked up.

"Did you remark the borders?" she asked.

Obsidianclaw nodded. "The rest of the patrol is doing that now,."

Rubystar sighed again. "Then there's nothing else we can do." then she sniffed the air and asked, "How many cats were in that patrol including you?"

"There was Onyxfeather, Flintpelt, and Shimmerpaw came too," Obsidianclaw answered.

"Alright Goldpaw and you, go and find them, tell them to come back, I shall go scout on this for myself, with a few of my warriors,"

Goldpaw looked like he might argue, but Obsidianclaw nodded, and ushered him along.

Rubystar caught Moonpaw's eye.

Moonpaw froze.

"Moonpaw you do know that eavesdropping on your clanmate's conversations isn't that polite, especially in a time like this."

Moonpaw nodded, and mumbled, "Sorry."

Rubystar nodded. "I should think so. Go clean the elders bedding, the rest of the apprentices are training this morning."

Moonpaw sighed, but turned to go get moss and mouse bile from the medicine cat den.


"Rubystar, they're back," Goldpaw said, and then dipped his head respectfully when Rubystar appeared from her den.

"Very well, now go fetch Jasperheart, Agatestorm, Citrinefur, and Zirconheart, and tell Diamondstripe to meet me in my den, there is something I must tell her," Rubystar ordered

"Zirconheart is training his apprentice right now.." Goldpaw mewed.

"I suppose we can do without him." Rubystar mewed, "Now go."

Goldpaw nodded and then sprinted to find the warriors Rubystar had listed.


"As you all know, a patrol has found prey and the scent of Deathclan warriors who have hunted in our territory," a few outraged howls arised and Rubystar silenced them with a flick of her tail.

"Indeed, I will leave in scout with Jasperheart, Agatestorm, and Citrinefur, Diamondstipe will stay here to guard the camp," Rubystar announced.

Then she leaped off the Highcrystal and motioned for the three warriors to follow.

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