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"WHAT?!" Coralpaw exploded.

"Um, keep it quiet? Please? Until we enter our den," Tigerpaw meowed.

The apprentices nodded.

They entered the den.

"So Tigerpaw.. Um.. are you sure?" Silverpaw asked, her face full of concern.

"I'm sure. I didn't recognize them at first, but now I know for a fact " Tigerpaw said confidently. "Definitely,"

Moonpaw sighed. "This can't be good. They must be working with Bloodstar!"

Coralpaw looked at them. "Should we tell Rubystar?"

Silverpaw nodded. "I think we should."

Tigerpaw looked doubtful. "What do you think that she's going to say when we tell her that the two loyal warriors that she has missed were working with the enemy? Do you really think that she'd believe us?"

Moonpaw sighed. "Tigerpaw's right. We're just a bunch of apprentices. We can't do anything. Rubystar wouldn't believe us,"

Silverpaw growled. "We need to tell SOMEONE." She looked at Moonpaw. "What about Diamondstripe?"

Coralpaw nodded slowly. "And if Moonpaw convinces Diamondstripe, the Diamondstripe can tell Rubystar!"

Moonpaw nodded happily. They had found a solution. "I'm going to tell Diamondstripe."

She headed out the den.

"Diamondstripe?" Moonpaw called

"Oh, Moonpaw!" Diamondstripe mewed, poking her head out of the warrior's den.

"I have something to tell y-" Moonpaw started, but Diamondstripe cut her off.

"Olivineflower! Snowshine! Hello!" Diamondstripe greeted as Olivineflower and Snowshine came over.

"Diamondstripe! Did you expand the warrior den and elders den? I feel like more nests can fit than last time I was here." Snowshine mewed, smiling.

Diamondstripe purred, satisfied. "We sure did."

"And who is this?" Ovalineflower asked, addressing Moonpaw.

"This is my daughter Moonpaw." Diamondstripe told her happily.

"She has your eyes!" Snowshine mewed thoughtfully.

Moonpaw couldn't help but notice that they seemed like perfect Gemclan cats, but she kept Tigerpaw's words in mind.

"Um.. I'm just going to go to the...uh the elders' den." Moonpaw mewed quickly, backing away. She wouldn't be able to talk to Diamondstripe with those two cats in earshot.

As Diamondtripe and the new warriors finally went out of sight, Moonpaw ran back towards the apprentice den, where luckily, Tigerpaw, Silverpaw, and Coralpaw were still sitting.

"Did you talk to Diamondstripe?" Tigerpaw asked.

Moonpaw sighed. "No. When I was trying to talk to her, Snowshine and Ovalineflower came and started talking to her." She explained

"Bad luck." Silverpaw mewed sympathetically, tilting her head.

Moonpaw shrugged. "I'll get another chance."

"Moonpaw! Training!" Rubystar called.

"Oops. I forgot I have training." Moonpaw mewed guiltily. "See you guys later!"

"Bye!" Coralpaw mewed.

Moonpaw ran out to meet her mentor.


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