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"Well, that's not the right answer." Bloodstar snarled. "You don't have a choice!"

"Yes, we do, and we pick no!" Rubystar growled back."And we will fight you if we have too!"

"Very well," Bloodstar said, narrowing her eyes.

"Ahem, we are in the middle of a gathe-," Tornadostar interrupted.

"Not anymore!" Seastar called, in an anxious tone of voice.

"There's a storm coming! RUN!". All the cats glanced up at the sky, the sky was darkening and blocking the moon. Jasperheart was shouting orders to the apprentices to run. Moonpaw leaped off from the rock and followed Obsidianclaw back to the camp.

As they trotted back from the Mist Rocks, the apprentices went into their den.

"UGH! I hate mud! It's so dirty and ugly," Shimmerpaw wailed unhappily, trying to shake the mud off from her paw.

"Today was weird," Moonpaw said.

"Yeah, I can't believe Bloodstar gave up so easily." Carnelianpaw agreed.

"Well she didn't really give up, she just said 'Very well', and that might mean she wants to put up a fight from what you've told me," Goldpaw meowed.

"Maybe but unlikely, they still believe in Starclan, but you're right Bloodstar won't give up so easily," Shimmerpaw mewed.

"Wow, you've really changed Shimmerpaw, I didn't know you were so open minded," Moonpaw joked.

"AHEM, I was ALWAYS open minded." Shimmerpaw protested. "Right Carnelianpaw?"

"Uh well- OUCH! -I mean yeah," Carnelianpaw stammered as Shimmerpaw stepped on his tail.

"See? Even Carnelianpaw agrees with me," Shimmerpaw retorted.

"Right," Moonpaw shook her head.

"Okay guys let's all get some sleep," Goldpaw suggested, yawing.

"All right! Goodnight," Moonpaw agreed and bounded over to her pile of moss, and sleep came to her.


"MORNING EVERYBODY!!!!!" Moonpaw yelled into Coralpaw's ear.

"One more minute please," Coralpaw protested.

"Nope! Not a chance, you went to bed too early last night, we had a nice conversation without you," Moonpaw mewed.

"Fine, fine, I'll get up," Coralpaw grumbled. "It's not even sunrise yet!"

"Yeah, but Rubystar called a meeting," Goldpaw interrupted, peering at Coralpaw. "Everybody's up except you,"

"WHAT! YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT MOONPAW!" Coralpaw scowled, Moonpaw shrugged.

"Well I'll be waiting for you, better hurry," Moonpaw mewed and strode out of the den.Coralpaw yawned.

"C'mon, let's go," Goldpaw nudged Coralpaw to get up. "Rubystar will be waiting for us,"

"Okay, let's go," Coralpaw meowed, leading the way out. Goldpaw followed.

"Rubystar and Diamondstripe were already on the highcrystal. Moonpaw went to sit beside Silverpaw.

"Wait, Moonpaw!" Coralpaw panted as she hurried to take a seat next to Moonpaw, Goldpaw went to sit next to Carnelianpaw.

"You're up," Silverpaw said, eyeing Coralpaw up and down. "When I woke up, you were snoring like a pig,"

Coralpaw looked offended. "Well n-"

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