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Currentclaw finished.

"So?" Currentclaw smirked.

Currentclaw opened his mouth showing yellow teeth and Moonpaw closed her eyes ready to be sent to Starclan but she was interrupted by a loud screeching. Moonpaw opened her eyes, Silverpaw had pounced on Currentclaw and threw him into a tree.

"Whoa! Silverpaw! I didn't know you could do that!" Moonpaw meowed, her energy rushing back into her.

Silverpaw shrugged. "Well, let's go finish him off,"

"Good idea," Moonpaw agreed and then the pair of them raced towards Currentclaw, claws unsheathed.

Currentclaw snarled and turned to bite Silverpaw when a meow interrupted them.

"WHAT is going on here?"

Silverpaw, Moonpaw and Currentclaw all froze and faced the voice, the bushes shook and Rubystar, Diamondstripe, and Goldheart leaped out of them. Goldheart's eyes were as wide as the moon.

"Diamondstripe," Moonpaw heard Currentclaw snarl.

"So we meet again Currentclaw," Rubystar meowed, trotting towards the torn cat.

"So we meet again Rubystar." Currentclaw spat.

Rubystar growled, and lashed her tail.

"Your clan is too weak to fight anyways," Currentclaw sneered.

Diamondstripe and Goldheart moved to attack but Rubystar halted them with a flick of her tail.

"What do you want?" Currentclaw growled.

"Where is Diamondstripe's kit?" Rubystar demanded.

"Right here!" Currentclaw meowed, waving to Moonpaw.

"No, not this one, the one we named Opalitekit," Rubystar growled.

Currentclaw paused. "I don't know, Hurricanepool took her,"

"Where is Hurricanepool?" Diamondstripe hissed. "Why did you attack these two apprentices?"

"I will take you to Hurricanepool, meet me here at Sunhigh," Currentclaw meowed and sprinted off.

"Come, you will tell me what happened," Rubystar suggested. Moonpaw nodded.

"Where are Citrinefur, Flintpelt and Slatestorm?" Moonpaw asked.

"They are back at the camp, they thought you would be there," Rubystar meowed.

"Oh, yeah, they told me to run back to the camp since there was a fight," Moonpaw mewed.

"A fight? Tell me what happened in my den," Rubystar growled. Moonpaw nodded.

Soon enough, they arrived at the camp.

"Silverpaw! Moonpaw! Where were you? Everybody was so worried about you! Oh no, you should go see Peridotleaf for your wounds." Coralpaw meowed. "I'm so happy you're alive, everybody was so worried!"

"Well almost everybody," Shimmerpaw muttered as she trotted past them.

"Maybe, Silverpaw can go see Peridotleaf, I need to talk to Rubystar," Moonpaw mewed.

"All right, I'll go tell the warriors you're all right," Coralpaw decided. Moonpaw licked her friend's ear.

"Thanks," she meowed.

Coralpaw nodded and ran off.

Moonpaw strode into Rubystar's den, trying not to put too much weight on her right paw.

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