Ch.60 - Sound, Speaker, Deku

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In a dimly lit room, the air was thick with dark grey smoke that lazily curled and swirled, casting eerie shadows on the worn-out wallpaper. The pungent scent of tobacco lingered, blending with the musky undertones of the old building.

A man sat in the centre of the room on an antique armchair. His eyes were hidden under a tightly bound blindfold as he puffed on his cigar and frowned deeply.

"And what exactly brings the League of Villains to my doorstep?"

Shigaraki stood confidently before the man, accompanied by his fellow League members—Dabi, Toga, Twice, Compress, and Solace—positioned at his sides.

"We're here to make a deal."

The blind man bit into his cigar while the imposing guards at his sides scowled at Tomura. "Is that right? I'll be honest, kid. We're not interested in any revolutionary plans you have for society. My syndicate is focused on business and profit. We're not idealists. So unless your proposal comes with a significant amount of yen, I don't care what this deal is."

Shigaraki hid a grimace under his mask. "Don't worry, it will make you a lot of money if that's what you want. I'll get straight to the point. We need troops for an upcoming operation we have planned.-"

He spread his arms, gesturing to his compatriots.

"-And we're willing to offer our services on whatever issues you're having, provided we get these troops."

The syndicate boss huffed. "And what makes you think we need your help?"

Tomura tilted his head, smirking under his mask. "Don't you? Or hasn't Endeavour been ruining all your supply chains lately? Last I heard, your drug operations have almost dried up because of this mess."

There was now a scowl on the blind man's face. "Where did you learn that?"

"You have a big organisation. Snake-Eyes has many members. No matter how tight a ship you run, there will be leaks... Your last big supply chain is for Quirk enhancers, right?"

The leader of the Snake-Eyes leaned toward one of his guards, whispering something about 'drowning some rats' before looking back to Shigaraki.

"So what of it? You mean to tell me you'll get me my products back?"

Shigaraki grinned, sounding more chipper. "That's what we're offering. We scratch your back, and you scratch ours."

There was a sneer on the blind man's expression. "Fine. You get me back what I lost, and I'll see about loaning you some of my finest people. But I'm not going to hold my breath. We've already failed multiple times trying to retrieve our products. They're under heavy guard at the docks, where they'll be shipped to a disposal facility within a few weeks."

"Don't worry, we'll get back your precious drugs. But it would help if you loaned some of your people now to help ensure we succeed."

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