Chapter 2 - Taylor

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Taylor stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the old, worn-out sweater Kayla had tossed her way that morning. It was two sizes too big and a dull gray color that did nothing to brighten her spirits, but she wore it anyway. Kayla's words echoed in her mind, "You're not going to need those fancy clothes, Taylor. Trust me."

She sighed, brushing a few strands of her curly blonde hair out of her face. "At least I have my music," she whispered to herself, trying to find comfort in her passion. The melody of her favorite song played softly in her head, and she began humming along, letting the tune soothe her.

The knock on her door startled her. It was Kayla, of course. Taylor could tell by the impatient, rapid knocks. "Taylor, have you seen my black heels? I can't find them, and I need them for tonight," Kayla's voice was demanding as usual.

"I think they're under the bed, Kayla," Taylor replied, trying to keep her voice steady. She didn't want to provoke Kayla's anger again. Kayla always had a way of making Taylor feel small, insignificant.

Kayla barged in without waiting for an invitation, rummaging through the room. She finally found her heels and glared at Taylor. "And for God's sake, Taylor, fix your hair. You look like a mess. Honestly, I don't know how you think you're going to get a job looking like that."

Taylor smiled weakly. "I'm going for an  interview today. They're looking for a music therapist. I think I have a good chance."

Kayla rolled her eyes. "Music therapist? Honestly, Taylor, when are you going to grow up? Real jobs require real skills. No one is going to take you seriously with that degree. But hey, if it makes you happy, go for it."

Taylor nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. She had learned long ago that arguing with Kayla was pointless. "I'm just trying to do something I love, Kayla. Something that helps people."

"Well, good luck with that," Kayla scoffed, slipping on her heels. "But don't get your hopes up. Hospitals want people who can make a real difference, not some fairy tale dreamer. Look at me I am intern surgeon and not wasting my time unlike you."

Hours later, Taylor found herself sitting in the waiting room of Crestview Hospital, her fingers nervously tapping out a rhythm on the arm of the chair. She watched the other candidates, all dressed in professional attire, looking confident and composed. They made her feel even more out of place in her oversized sweater and no makeup.

"Taylor Swift?" A soft voice called her name, pulling her out of her thoughts. She stood up quickly, smoothing down her sweater as she followed the woman into the interview room.

The interviewer was a middle-aged man with kind eyes and a gentle smile. He gestured for her to sit down. "So, Taylor, I see you've applied for the music therapist position. Can you tell me what draws you to this field?"

Taylor took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "Music has always been a part of my life. It's more than just a hobby; it's a way of healing, of connecting with others. I've seen how music can transform people, how it can provide comfort and hope. I want to use that to help patients here at Crestview."

The interviewer nodded thoughtfully. "That's a beautiful sentiment, Taylor. We're looking for someone who can bring that kind of passion to our patients. Music therapy is about more than just playing songs; it's about understanding people's needs and using music to address them. How do you see yourself fitting into that role?"

Taylor smiled, feeling more confident as she spoke about something she loved. "I've always been sensitive to other people's emotions. I think that's why I've always been drawn to music. It's a language that doesn't need words, and it can reach people in ways that nothing else can. I believe I can use that to help patients who are struggling, whether it's with pain, anxiety, or just the stress of being in the hospital."

The interviewer leaned back in his chair, still smiling. "That's wonderful to hear, Taylor. Here at Crestview, we value creativity and empathy. Before we finalize anything, though, I'd love to hear you perform. Could you sing something for us?"

Taylor's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't expected this, but she wasn't about to back down. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the familiar melody of her favorite song fill her mind. Then, softly at first, she began to sing.

Her voice was gentle, carrying the emotion of the song as if it were her own story. As she sang, she felt the room fade away, leaving only the music and the hope it carried. When she finished, there was a moment of silence before the interviewer spoke.

"That was beautiful, Taylor," he said, his voice full of admiration. "You have a gift, and I think you'll be able to touch many lives with it here at Crestview. Welcome to our team."

Taylor's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I got the job?"

He chuckled. "Yes, you did. We'll start you off as an intern, and if all goes well, we'll see about making it a permanent position. We need more people like you around here."

Taylor felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she blinked them back, smiling widely. "Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me."

As she left the hospital, her heart felt lighter than it had in a long time. She had done it. She had secured a place at Crestview, a place where she could finally use her love of music to help others.

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