Chapter 3

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The soft, haunting melody of Taylor's voice drifted through the hospital corridor, stopping Dr. Travis Kelce in his tracks. He was on his way to the operating room, his thoughts focused on the upcoming surgery, when the sound captivated him. It was unlike anything he had heard before—pure, enchanting, and filled with an emotion that resonated deep within him.

He paused, scanning the hallway to locate the source of the voice. Just as he was about to follow the sound, an elderly woman nearby stumbled. Instinctively, Travis reached out to steady her, gently guiding her back to her feet.

"Thank you, doctor," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

"No problem," he replied, his attention still partly on the voice that had now faded away.

By the time he turned back, the singing had stopped. He hurried toward the room where he thought the voice had come from, but it was empty. The interview was over, and whoever had been singing had already left.

A sense of frustration gnawed at him as he continued with his day. That voice... it echoed in his mind, refusing to be drowned out by the usual sounds of the hospital or even the music that had always brought him comfort. No matter how hard he tried to focus on his work, the melody lingered, teasing him with its elusive beauty.

Later that evening, Kayla returned to the apartment with a sense of satisfaction after her encounter with Travis . She was already planning how to make him hers, determined to have him wrapped around her finger. As she walked in, she found Taylor already home, preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Kayla, you're back! Dinner's almost ready," Taylor called out, her tone cheerful as she set the table.

Kayla dropped her bag on the couch and walked into the kitchen, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in the scene. "What's with the fancy dinner? Trying to impress someone?"

Taylor smiled brightly, turning away from the stove. "No, nothing like that. I just have some good news. I got the job today!"

Kayla's expression stiffened for a moment, her smile faltering. "Really? That's... nice. Where is it?"

Taylor hesitated, her smile dimming slightly. "Oh, um... just a place nearby. It's a good opportunity."

Kayla forced herself to smile, though jealousy simmered just beneath the surface. "Well, congrats, I guess. Just don't let it go to your head."

Taylor shook her head quickly, her enthusiasm waning. "I won't, Kayla. I'm just happy to have a job."

Kayla's eyes drifted over Taylor's outfit, a simple but flattering dress that only seemed to amplify her irritation. "And what's with the dress? Trying to show me up?"

Taylor glanced down at her dress, suddenly self-conscious. "No, I just thought it looked nice. I didn't mean—"

"Just don't wear it again," Kayla snapped, grabbing her plate and moving to the table. "And another thing—don't ever start eating before I'm done. It's rude."

Taylor nodded , "I'm sorry, Kayla. It won't happen again."

The next morning, Taylor dressed carefully for her first day on the job. She chose something plain, hoping to avoid any further comments from Kayla.

As she left the apartment, Kayla barely looked up from her breakfast. "Good luck," she muttered, not really meaning it.

"Thanks," Taylor replied softly, slipping out the door.

Taylor hurried toward Crestview Hospital, her mind focused on making a good impression on her first day. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the man walking in her direction until it was too late.

Suddenly, her foot caught on something, and she stumbled forward—right into the path of Dr. Travis Kelce.

"Whoa, careful there," Travis said, his voice smooth as he caught her, his hands instinctively gripping her waist to steady her.

Taylor gasped, her hands landing on his chest. She looked up, her eyes meeting his, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Travis's gaze roamed over her, taking in every detail—the softness of her curves under his hands, the delicate lines of her face, and those wide, innocent eyes that looked back at him with a mix of surprise and something else he couldn't quite place.

"Uh, I'm so sorry," Taylor stammered, feeling her heart race as she tried to pull away, but Travis's hold on her was firm.

"No need to apologize," Travis replied, his voice low and slightly teasing. "You should watch where you're going, though."

Taylor swallowed, unable to tear her gaze away from his piercing eyes. She was acutely aware of how close they were, his breath warm against her cheek. He smelled faintly of aftershave and something else, something that made her knees feel weak.

Travis, on the other hand, was taking in every inch of her. The way her dress hugged her figure, the curve of her waist under his fingers, and the way her lips parted slightly in surprise—it was all too tempting. He could already feel the spark of desire igniting within him, and he knew one thing for certain: this woman was going to be his next conquest.

Before either of them could say more, Travis's phone rang, breaking the spell. The sudden noise made Taylor jump slightly, and she finally pulled back, a flush rising to her cheeks.

Travis smirked, letting go of her slowly. "I'll see you around," he said, his tone making it clear that he meant every word.

Taylor nodded, too flustered to respond. She quickly gathered herself and walked away, her heart still pounding in her chest. As she disappeared down the hallway, Travis watched her go, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Well, that was interesting," he muttered to himself, a slow smile spreading across his face. There was no doubt in his mind—That woman would be on his bed . It was only a matter of time.

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