Chapter 20

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The park was quiet as dusk settled over the trees, the only sounds being the distant hum of traffic and the occasional chirping of crickets. Taylor sat on a bench, her mind swirling with the events of the past few hours. She didn't have to wait long before she saw Travis approaching, his expression tense and conflicted.

He sat down beside her, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Taylor, I'm sorry for dragging you into all of this, but I didn't know who else to turn to."

Taylor nodded, her heart heavy with concern. "It's okay, Travis. I'm here. What's going on?"

Travis ran a hand through his hair, clearly struggling to find the right words. "My dad... he's arranged everything. There's going to be a party tomorrow night, a big event with all the hospital's investors. And during that party... he's planning to announce my engagement to Kayla."

Taylor's heart sank. "But... you don't want to marry her."

"No," Travis said firmly, his eyes locking onto hers. "I don't. That's why I need your help, Taylor. I want you to come to the party with me. When the time comes, I'll take you up on stage with me. I'll tell everyone that I'm not going through with the engagement and that I'm leaving."

Taylor's eyes widened in shock. "Leaving? Where would you go?"

"Anywhere," Travis replied, his voice filled with desperation. "We'll leave this place forever. We can find somewhere far away from my dad, from Kayla, from all of this. Somewhere we can start over, away from anyone who would try to control our lives."

Taylor stared at him, her mind racing. The idea of running away with Travis, of escaping all the pain and pressure, was tempting. But deep down, she knew it wasn't that simple. She looked down at her hands, trying to find the right words.

"Travis..." she began softly, "I was twelve when my dad abandoned me. He thought I was bringing him all the bad luck in the world. That abandonment still haunts me to this day. It's shaped who I am, how I view the world. All I have left is Kayla... and now you're asking me to abandon her. I can't do that. I won't do what my dad did to me."

Travis's face fell as her words sank in. "Taylor, I... I didn't mean to make you feel like you had to choose."

Taylor shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "But you are, Travis. You're asking me to walk away from the only family I have left. I know Kayla isn't perfect, but she's still like a sister to me. I can't just leave her behind, even if she's making things difficult."

"But Taylor," Travis pleaded, "Kayla is manipulating you. She's using your loyalty against you. She doesn't care about you the way you care about her."

Taylor took a deep breath, pulling her hands away from his. "I know she's not always kind, but I can't just turn my back on her. I have to at least try to talk to her, to make her understand. Maybe... maybe there's still a way to fix this without running away."

Travis looked at her, pain and frustration etched into his features. "And if there isn't? What if she won't listen?"

Taylor stood up, wiping away a stray tear. "Then I'll have to face that when the time comes. But I can't abandon her, Travis. I just can't."

She turned to leave, but paused, looking back at him. "I'm sorry, Travis. I wish things were different. I really do."

Taylor barely had time to process her conversation with Travis before she reached home. As she opened the door, she was immediately met by Kayla, who grabbed her arm with a grip so tight it hurt.

"Kayla, what—" Taylor began, but Kayla's panicked voice cut her off.

"Listen, Taylor," Kayla hissed, her eyes wild with desperation. "I saw you in the park with Travis. I know you were talking to him. Please... I'm begging you. You have to leave him alone."

Taylor's heart skipped a beat, dread creeping into her chest. "Kayla, I wasn't—"

"Don't lie to me!" Kayla shouted, her voice cracking with emotion. "Please, Taylor, I'm serious. If you don't leave Travis, I... I'll die without him. He's all I have left."

The intensity in Kayla's eyes made Taylor's stomach twist. She'd never seen her friend like this, so vulnerable and raw. "Kayla... what are you saying?"

Kayla took a shaky breath, her grip on Taylor's arm loosening slightly. "My parents used to love me... until they had another child. After that, they gave all their attention to her and left me alone. I felt so abandoned, so unloved. And then... my first boyfriend..." Her voice broke, and she wiped away tears with the back of her hand. "He got me pregnant and then ghosted me. I was so scared, Taylor. I had to abort my child... I had no one."

Taylor's heart clenched as Kayla's words sank in. She had no idea Kayla had gone through so much.

"And now all I have is Travis," Kayla continued, her voice a desperate plea. "He's the only one who can make things right for me. Even though he's not interested right now, I know I can love him enough that he'll turn back to me. But I can't do that if you're in the way, Taylor. Please, don't interfere. Don't make things more complicated."

Taylor felt tears welling up in her own eyes. Kayla's pain was palpable, and the guilt of being caught between her loyalty to her friend and her feelings for Travis was overwhelming. "Kayla... I don't want to hurt you. I didn't mean to—"

"Then promise me," Kayla interrupted, her voice shaky but firm. "Promise me that you'll leave Travis and me alone. Promise me that you won't show up to the party tomorrow. Don't spoil our engagement, Taylor. And... and promise me you'll quit the hospital. Don't show your face to Travis again."

Taylor stared at Kayla, stunned by the intensity of her request. "Quit the hospital...? Kayla, that's my job. My career."

"I know," Kayla said, her voice softening as more tears spilled down her cheeks. "But you have to understand, Taylor. This is my last chance at happiness. If you care about me at all, if our friendship means anything to you... you'll do this for me. You choose Taylor if Travis is important for you or my life. It's your choice!"

Kayla's words were like a knife to Taylor's heart. She could see the pain in her friend's eyes, the fear of losing the one thing she believed could save her. And yet, it felt so wrong to just walk away, to leave Travis . But the look on Kayla's face, the way she was practically begging her—it was too much.

Taylor swallowed hard, feeling her resolve crumble. She knew she had to be loyal to Kayla, the only person she had left in her life. The fear of being abandoned, of repeating the same cycle her father had inflicted on her, was too strong to ignore.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Taylor nodded slowly. "Okay, Kayla... I promise. I'll leave Travis alone. I won't come to the party, and... I'll quit the hospital."

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