Chapter 21

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The morning light filtered softly through the blinds as Taylor arrived at Kayla's apartment, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. Kayla greeted her with a false cheerfulness, pulling her into the bedroom where a sea of dazzling dresses awaited. Each dress sparkled under the light, casting reflections like fragments of shattered dreams.

"Taylor, look at these!" Kayla said, her eyes shining with a mixture of excitement and relief. "I need you to pick out the perfect dress for me. Tonight's going to be unforgettable."

Taylor forced a smile, her emotions swirling as she ran her fingers over the fabrics. Each touch felt like a reminder of the promise she had made, the life she was about to leave behind. Finally, she selected a stunning, floor-length gown that was both elegant and bold. "I think this one suits you best," she said quietly, holding it up.

Kayla's eyes lit up with delight as she took the dress from Taylor. "It's perfect! Thank you so much. I know this is hard for you, but it means a lot."

Taylor managed a weak smile as Kayla hugged her tightly. The embrace was warm, but it did little to ease the cold weight of her decision. Kayla's victorious grin as she went to rest was a stark contrast to the turmoil Taylor felt.

The hours until the evening dragged, and when Taylor finally arrived at the hospital, she felt a mix of dread and resignation. She busied herself packing up her things, trying to ignore the hollow ache in her chest. Just as she was finishing, the door to her cabin opened, and Travis stepped in.

"Taylor," he said, his voice soft and filled with a mix of concern and affection. "I've been looking for you. I have something for you."

Before she could respond, Travis crossed the room and kissed her deeply. The kiss was tender but full of longing, a silent promise of what could have been. Taylor felt her resolve waver, but she pulled back, her voice strained. "I'm really tired, Travis."

Travis's face fell slightly, but he masked his disappointment with a gentle smile. "I understand. But I wanted you to have this." He handed her a carefully wrapped gift box.

Taylor opened it to find a beautiful gown, one that perfectly matched the color of his coat. "It's for tonight," Travis said, his voice filled with anticipation. "I want everyone to know you're mine. No one can stop us."

The words echoed in Taylor's mind, mingling with the pain of her impending departure. Her emotions surged as she hugged Travis tightly, her tears finally breaking free. "I'll always think about you, no matter where I go."

Travis looked confused but didn't press her further. "I'm looking forward to tonight," he said, his voice hopeful. "It's going to be special."

Taylor's heart raced as she felt the weight of her decision. Overcome by a mix of desperation and passion, she pulled Travis towards her, their lips meeting in a searing kiss. She pushed him gently onto the couch, her movements both urgent and tender.

With trembling hands, she unbuckled his pants, her heart pounding. Travis's eyes widened with a mix of desire and concern as she straddled him, the gown she had just received now a symbol of their fleeting connection.

"Promise me you won't forget me," Taylor whispered urgently, her voice thick with emotion. "No matter what happens, remember me."

Travis's confusion deepened, but he was swept away by the intensity of the moment. Taylor began to ride him, her movements a blend of raw need and profound sadness. Each thrust was a testament to her conflicted emotions, a final act of intimacy before her departure.

As she reached her climax, she let out a cry of release, her body shuddering as she clung to him. Travis followed shortly, his release deep and intense, filling her with a mix of physical and emotional fulfillment. They lay together on the couch, their bodies intertwined as the reality of their situation sank in.

Travis adjusted his clothes, a sense of eager anticipation in his eyes for the evening ahead. He kissed Taylor softly on the forehead, his touch tender and filled with unspoken affection. "I can't wait for tonight," he said, his voice full of hope. "It's going to be incredible."

Taylor watched him leave, her heart breaking with every step he took away from her. She had made her choice, but the weight of it felt more crushing than ever. As she prepared for the evening, the finality of her decision pressed heavily on her shoulders.

The evening's party was in full swing, the grandeur of the venue a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within Travis. Dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, he stood near the stage, scanning the crowd with mounting anxiety. Taylor was supposed to be with him, but her absence was growing increasingly troubling.

He repeatedly dialed her number, only to be met with the same disheartening message: "The number you are trying to reach does not exist." His frustration escalated into fear as he struggled to understand why Taylor was unreachable.

As he paced the stage, Kayla approached with a calculated grace, her smile betraying nothing of the cruelty she had planned. "Travis, you look a bit off. Everything okay?" she asked, her tone feigning concern.

"I can't find Taylor," Travis admitted, his voice taut with worry. "I've been trying to call her, but her number isn't working. Do you know where she is?"

Kayla's eyes glinted with a dark satisfaction. "Oh, I wouldn't expect her to pick up. I saw her yesterday with one of my dad's friends."

Travis's confusion deepened. "One of your dad's friends? What do you mean?"

Kayla pulled out her phone, tapping a few times before presenting it to Travis. "Look at this."

On the screen, a video played out showing Taylor meeting with an older man. The man handed Taylor a thick envelope full of cash, and she accepted it with a smile that seemed too eager. The timestamp on the video confirmed it was recorded just the previous day.

"This... this can't be real," Travis stammered, his heart sinking as he processed the footage. "Taylor would never do this."

Kayla's smirk widened as she watched Travis's reaction. "I'm afraid it's very real. She sold herself for money" she said as she smirked at seeing Travis believing her lies

Travis's face turned ashen as the weight of Kayla's words sank in. The image of Taylor accepting money from another man felt like a knife twisting in his gut. "You mean she's been paid off? She sold herself just for cash?"

Kayla's satisfaction was palpable. "Yes, Travis. She chose money over you. And if you still have any doubts, just wait until tonight ends. She won't be showing up. I made sure she's gone for good."

As Travis stood there, stunned and heartbroken, Kayla's internal thoughts were laced with a darker edge. This footage is a complete fabrication, she thought with a twisted sense of satisfaction. I manipulated her into collecting money from my dad's friend. She walked right into my trap, believing she was helping me. And now, she's out of the picture.

Kayla leaned closer to Travis, her voice low and mocking. "Don't waste your time waiting for her. She's made her choice, and it's not with you. Enjoy the evening and remember, she's not coming back."

The realization of Taylor's betrayal struck Travis hard. The excitement of the evening, the celebration he had looked forward to, felt meaningless now. His thoughts were consumed by the betrayal he had just witnessed, and the pain of Taylor's apparent choice left him hollow. The night was supposed to mark a new beginning, but it now felt like a cruel joke, orchestrated by the one he had thought he could trust.

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