Chapter 7

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The next morning, the hospital parking lot buzzed with energy as everyone gathered to leave for the medical camp. Taylor looked around, expecting to see a van or a bus that would take them all to the camp, but her heart sank when she overheard someone mention that everyone should disperse in their vehicles.

A wave of panic washed over her. She didn't have a vehicle of her own and had no idea how she would get there. As she stood there, trying to figure out what to do, Travis appeared beside her, his expression concerned.

"What's wrong, Taylor?" he asked, his voice soft and attentive. "You look worried."

Taylor glanced up at him, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I... I don't have a vehicle to get to the camp."

Travis's concern melted into a slow, satisfied smile. "Well, that's easy to fix," he said smoothly. "You can ride with me. I wouldn't want you to miss the camp, after all."

Taylor's eyes widened with relief and a touch of gratitude. "Really? Thank you, Travis. That's very kind of you."

"Kindness has nothing to do with it," he replied with a wink, opening the passenger door of his sleek car. "I just enjoy your company."

Taylor smiled, a bit shyly, and slid into the passenger seat. As Travis started the engine and they pulled out of the parking lot, Kayla, who had just arrived, saw a woman getting into Travis's car. She narrowed her eyes, unable to see who it was from a distance, but her mind instantly filled with thoughts of sabotage. Whoever that woman was, Kayla vowed to make her life a living hell.

As the city streets gave way to the countryside, the atmosphere inside the car grew more relaxed. Travis kept the conversation light, peppered with teasing comments and subtle compliments that made Taylor blush.

"So, Taylor," Travis began, his voice smooth as silk, "what made you choose music therapy? It's not the most common profession."

Taylor glanced at him, surprised by his interest. "Well, I've always loved music, and I wanted to use it to help people. It's amazing how much a simple melody can do for someone who's in pain."

Travis nodded, though his thoughts weren't exactly on music. "I think it's beautiful how passionate you are about what you do," he said, his gaze lingering on her a little longer than necessary. "It's rare to find someone who cares so much."

Taylor's heart fluttered at his words, but she tried to focus on the scenery outside the window. "Thank you, Travis. That means a lot coming from you."

Travis smirked, pleased with the effect he was having on her. As they drove further, he let his hand casually rest on the gearshift between them, his fingers occasionally brushing against her leg. Taylor felt a spark of electricity every time they touched, and she couldn't help but wonder if it was accidental or intentional.

"So, three days at the camp," Travis mused, his voice taking on a more playful tone. "I wonder what we'll do to pass the time when we're not working."

Taylor blushed, not entirely sure how to respond. "I'm sure we'll be busy with patients," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Of course," Travis agreed, but the mischievous glint in his eyes suggested he had other ideas. "But you never know. Camps like these can get... interesting."

They continued to chat, with Travis steering the conversation in a flirtatious direction every chance he got. Taylor found herself laughing more than she expected, even as she tried to maintain some distance.

When they finally arrived at the camp, Taylor was surprised to learn that she and Travis had been allocated tents right next to each other. Travis, of course, had planned it that way, though he kept that detail to himself.

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