Chapter 34

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The next day, Taylor arrived at the courthouse with Jason and Donna by her side. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination, knowing what lay ahead. As they approached the entrance, Kayla was already waiting, her eyes sharp and full of impatience.

"Let's see the reports, Taylor," Kayla demanded, her voice laced with menace. "You want to save Travis, don't you?"

Taylor felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. Tears welled up in her eyes, her emotions threatening to spill over. Just as she was about to hand over the reports, the court's doors opened, and their case was called in. The tension in the air was palpable as they all moved inside.

As soon as they entered the courtroom, Taylor's eyes searched for Travis. He was there, standing with the cops, looking worn and defeated. The sight of him, the man she loved, broke her heart into a million pieces. Without a second thought, she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and holding him tight. Travis, surprised by her sudden embrace, wrapped his arms around her, his own tears falling freely as they both cried together, the emotional dam they had built finally breaking.

"I'm so sorry, Travis," Taylor sobbed into his shoulder, clinging to him as if he were her lifeline.

"No, Taylor," Travis whispered back, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry for everything."

When Taylor finally pulled away, Travis's eyes flickered behind her, and his expression changed from sorrow to shock. His gaze locked onto someone standing just a few feet away, and he breathed out a name he hadn't uttered in nearly two decades.

"Mom?" Travis choked out, disbelief and hope mingling in his voice.

Donna, who had been standing quietly, now stepped forward, her own eyes brimming with tears. "Trav? Are you my Trav?" she cried, her voice trembling with overwhelming emotion.

Travis couldn't move at first, his body frozen as the memories of his childhood, long buried under years of hurt, came rushing back. But then, as if pulled by an invisible force, he surged forward, closing the gap between them. Donna opened her arms, and Travis fell into them, burying his face in her shoulder as he wept like the little boy he once was.

"I missed you so much, Mom," Travis sobbed, his voice cracking with all the pain and longing he had kept bottled up for so long.

Taylor watched the reunion, her heart swelling with joy and disbelief. The woman who had shown her so much kindness, who had supported her when she had no one else, was Travis's mother. She couldn't believe the turn of events, and for the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope.

Donna pulled back just enough to look at her son's face, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "You've grown into such a strong man, Trav. I'm so proud of you."

Travis smiled through his tears, leaning into his mother's touch. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"But you did," Donna said firmly, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "And now, we're going to get through this together."

The judge entered the courtroom, bringing everyone's attention back to the present. They all moved to their respective places, but Taylor couldn't help but glance at Travis, who now had a renewed sense of strength with his mother by his side.

Kayla, however, was on edge. She noticed that Taylor hadn't handed over any reports of her supposedly dead babies. Was Taylor not planning to save Travis? The uncertainty gnawed at her, making her increasingly nervous. But Taylor, despite her fear, felt a newfound confidence. With Travis and his family by her side, she knew she wasn't facing this battle alone.

The proceedings began, and Kayla was called to the stand. She took a deep breath and launched into her accusations. "Travis told me that I could only continue with my job if I... if I pleasured him whenever he wanted," she began, her voice trembling just enough to seem convincing. "He threatened to revoke my job if I didn't comply. I was scared, so I did what he asked. But now, I can't stay silent any longer. I have to bring this to light."

The judge turned to Travis, giving him a chance to speak. Travis stood, his voice steady but filled with a quiet desperation. "Your Honor, what Kayla is saying is not the truth. It was actually the other way around. I was in a situation where only she could help me. She threatened me that if I didn't... if I didn't give my body to her, she wouldn't help. That's what really happened."

He paused, the frustration evident in his eyes as he continued, "Kayla blackmailed me into spending a night with her, but I couldn't go through with it. I left before anything could happen. But I don't have any proof, and I know without it, my words don't hold much weight."

The courtroom was silent, the judge deep in thought. Then, the judge asked, "Does anyone else have anything to say?"

Taylor, her heart pounding, stood up. "I have something to speak," she said, her voice clear and strong, despite the fear swirling inside her.

All eyes turned to her, the tension in the room palpable as everyone waited to hear what she had to say.

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