Chapter 19

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"You're getting engaged to Kayla," Ed declared, his voice commanding and final.

Travis looked up, shocked. "What? No, I don't like her. I'm not getting engaged to her."

Ed's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightening. "Kayla's father has offered us a deal. He'll build hospitals for us around the world, making Crestview an international name. This is the future of our hospital, Travis. You don't have a choice."

Travis felt as though the ground had been ripped out from under him. "You... you agreed to this? Without even asking me?"

"I did what I had to do," Ed snapped. "This is about securing our legacy. You will do what's necessary."

Travis's chest tightened as his father's words echoed in the room. He couldn't believe it—he had no say, no control over his own life. He barely heard his father storm out, the door slamming behind him. All he could feel was the rising tide of frustration and helplessness.

A knock on the door interrupted his spiraling thoughts. He looked up to see Kayla standing in the doorway, a smug smile playing on her lips.

"Hi, future fiancé," she greeted him, her voice sickeningly sweet.

Travis's temper flared. "I'm not your fiancé, Kayla! I'm not getting engaged to you!" His voice was sharp, the finality in his words clear.

Kayla's smile faltered, but she quickly regained her composure. "We'll see about that," she said, her tone cool and confident before turning and walking out.

Travis didn't wait to watch her leave. The walls of his office felt like they were closing in on him. He needed to escape. And there was only one place he could think of: Taylor.

He bolted out of his office, his feet carrying him down the hallways of the hospital. His thoughts raced back to his childhood as he hurried, memories of his father's wrath flashing through his mind.

*Travis, as a young boy, cowered in the corner of the living room, the sound of his parents' shouting reverberating through the house.*

*"You're never here!" his mother's voice rang out, desperate and broken.*

*"I'm doing what's necessary for this family!" Ed's voice thundered back, a mixture of anger and stubborn pride.*

*Travis hugged his knees to his chest, trying to make himself as small as possible. His mother's sobs echoed in his ears ,Travis didn't dare move, tears welling up in his eyes as he silently begged for her to come back.*

*But she never did.*

By the time Travis reached Taylor's cabin, he was trembling. He didn't knock—he just pushed the door open and stumbled inside. Taylor looked up from her desk, her expression shifting from surprise to concern when she saw the state he was in.

"Travis?" she asked softly, standing up and moving towards him.

Without a word, he walked over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace, burying his face in her shoulder. The emotions he had been holding back came crashing down, and he began to cry, the pain of his past and the pressure of his present overwhelming him.

Taylor didn't hesitate. She wrapped her arms around him, her touch gentle as she whispered soothing words. "It's okay, Travis. I'm here. What's wrong?"

Travis pulled back slightly, just enough to look at her, his eyes red and filled with pain. "It's my dad... he's always been like this. He used to shout at my mom all the time, and she... she left us. Left me. I was just a kid, and she was gone. I never understood why."

Taylor guided him to the couch, sitting beside him as he continued to speak, his voice trembling with emotion. "He's always been so focused on the hospital, on making it successful. It's like he didn't care about us, about her. And now, he's... he's doing it again, trying to control everything."

Taylor listened intently, her heart aching for him. She could see the deep scars left by his father's actions, the wounds that had never healed. She reached out and gently cupped his face, forcing him to meet her gaze. "You don't have to go through this alone, Travis. I'm here for you."

He stared at her, the sincerity in her eyes breaking through the walls he had built around himself. "I don't know what to do, Taylor," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Lie down," she said softly, guiding him to rest his head in her lap. He hesitated for a moment, then complied, closing his eyes as she began to hum a gentle melody.

As Taylor sang, her voice soft and comforting, Travis felt the tension in his body slowly begin to ease. The memories of his childhood, the pain of his father's words, all seemed to fade away, replaced by the warmth and safety of Taylor's presence. He let out a deep sigh, the exhaustion finally catching up to him, and drifted off to sleep.

Taylor continued to hum, her fingers gently running through his hair. She watched him sleep, her heart filled with a mix of sadness.

Travis woke up to the dim glow of the evening, the quiet hum of hospital life continuing around him. He blinked, disoriented for a moment, and realized that Taylor was no longer there. The warmth and comfort of her presence had vanished, leaving him alone with the weight of his troubles. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration bubbling up again. He needed to talk to her, to figure out what to do next, but it was already late.

Meanwhile, at Taylor's apartment, the atmosphere was anything but calm. Kayla stood in the living room, her posture tense as she waited for Taylor to arrive. The moment Taylor stepped through the door, Kayla's eyes narrowed with accusation.

"You didn't even try to keep your distance from him, did you?" Kayla's voice was sharp, slicing through the silence.

Taylor froze, taken aback by the hostility in Kayla's tone. "Kayla, what are you talking about?"

Kayla took a step closer, her eyes filled with cold determination. "Don't pretend you don't know. You've been cozying up to Travis, not caring at all about what's going on. So, since you clearly can't stay away, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I'll get what I want, no matter what."

Confusion and dread twisted in Taylor's stomach. "Kayla, I don't understand. What do you mean?"

Kayla scoffed, her lips curling into a cruel smile. "Of course, you don't. Our fathers made a deal, Taylor. Travis and I are supposed to get engaged. It's already been arranged."

Taylor's heart skipped a beat as the truth hit her. "A deal? That's why Travis has been so tense...?"

Kayla's smirk deepened. "Exactly. It's all set in stone. And you, with your naive little crush, have been getting in the way. But no more. He's mine, Taylor, and you'd better remember that."

Taylor's eyes widened in shock as she processed what Kayla was saying. "But, Kayla, you can't just force him into this. It's not fair—"

"Shut up!" Kayla snapped, cutting her off with a glare. Her voice dripped with venom. "You don't know anything, Taylor. Stay out of this, or I swear I'll make your life a living hell. Don't test me."

Taylor's breath caught in her throat as she stared at Kayla, seeing a side of her she'd never imagined. "Kayla... please, don't do this. This isn't right."

But Kayla wasn't interested in right or wrong. She turned away, her expression hard. "This is your only warning, Taylor. Stay out of my way."

Taylor received a text as she made an exit from Kayla's room

Trav❤️ : I need to talk to you right now! It's urgent.

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