04. Naming him Prince Charming

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-Chapter Four-So, you're Ms

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-Chapter Four-
So, you're Ms. Zade.

"Finally today Scott will be back! Twenty-eight days seemed like twenty-eight years, to be honest," Kenzie clamored happily as she danced bringing the hot tasty breakfast she had prepared.

She cheerfully placed spicy omelets, pancakes, and butter toast on the table.

"Oh, it seems like you are too excited, huh?" Finn asked as he brought the two cups of hot tea. The siblings sat next to each other as they began eating their breakfast.

"By the way... you've been extra excited ever since yesterday" Finn pointed out giving her a suspicious look.

"Nothing special Finn Zade, I am just too happy with Scott's arrival."

"Damn I have missed Scott so damn much," she sighed in bliss.

"I seriously wished that I had gotten off today so I could go and receive Scott myself, but today is the first day of the new branch, so the management declined my request for leave," Kenzie murmured in a sorrowful tone.

"It's okay, Kinz, I'll go in a taxi, nothing to worry about," Finn smiled, patting her hand.

"Yeah, but I won't be able to meet Scott. You know how much I missed him in these twenty-eight days," she scowled sadly.

"Hey, you little cow, you can meet him after coming from the office, nothing to worry about," Finn assured, ruffling her hair playfully.

Kenzie laughed as she nodded her head in agreement. "Now let's just hope Mama comes back soon as well," she whispered, a tone of longing, even though her brother and Mama had left twenty-eight days ago, she still missed them both equally.

Now that her older brother was coming back because his annual leave from his company was over, the only person she wanted now was for her mama to handle some of the pending works in California regarding their properties there and be back soon.

"Kin, eat fast, you haven't even changed from your pajamas. Be in a hurry, you can't be late for your first day at the new branch with this higher post," Finn said seriously.

Kenzie nodded her head as she quickly gulped the tea, getting up to rush back into her bedroom. In a hurry, she grabbed whatever clothes came to hand as she rushed to take a quick shower.


The breakfast table at the Jeon mansion was filled with delicious breakfast.

"Oh wow, this is new to see you up so early," Mr. Jeon remarked when he saw Jungkook already present at the breakfast table, waiting for everyone as he used his mobile phone.

"Good morning, Dad," Jungkook said, smiling. "Good morning, Mom," he added when he saw his mom making her way to the breakfast table.

"Wow, Jungkook up so early, that's new," Mrs. Jeon remarked, laughing, as she sat next to her husband. "Well good morning to you too Jungkook," his mother said, reaching to squeeze his cheeks.

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