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The couple rode on Hades chariot for a while until they reached the field of punishments. Maleficent wasn't surprised to see what most would consider to be hell. Fire and demons everywhere, screams of pain and fear from all over the realm. She could see souls being tortured and punished by demons, the furies and whatever other monsters Hades had working for him. They stayed high above the ground, a few demons noticed them and stopped to wave at their King. "They really like you." Maleficent said watching all the demons stop to wave or smile at Hades.

"I would sure hope so. I try my hardest to be a fair king." Hades replied. Maleficent kept looking at all the souls being punished. Some were being whipped, others beaten, some set ablaze, and a few had some unique punishment like being torn apart and having all their bones broken. "It's chaos down there.."

"To someone who doesn't live here maybe." Hades stated, "to those who've been here for a while, well we know the system."

"There's a system?" Maleficent raised an eyebrow questioning.

Hades slightly chuckled. "Believe it or not yes. The punishments get worse the closer you get to Tartarus."


"It's where the worst of the worst go. As well as the titans and monsters."

"Ah, I see." She nodded. "Guess that's where I belong." Maleficent thought to herself.

"Souls who at near the entrance of the realm haven't done anything to bad, they mostly just need a slap in the right direction. The further you go, the worse crimes the souls have committed." Hades said pointing out the souls he was referring to.

"Do they ever get to leave?" She asked.

"Some do. Once they learn their lesson they get a chance to go to Asphodel or to be reborn."

Maleficent listened as Hades continued to talk about the ins and outs of how the field of punishments works when something caught her eye. Off to the side of all the chaos was a soul and a demon just sitting on the rocks talking. The soul, a young woman who seemed about 17, looked scared and lost, like she didn't know where she was supposed to be. The demon was sitting beside the girl talking to her and holding her hand reassuringly. Hades stopped talking for a second to notice Maleficent had stopped listening and was focused on whatever's below them.

"Lotus flower?" He asked getting Maleficent attention.

"Hm—what sorry I wasn't listening."

"I realized that." He teased. "What were you staring at?"

"A soul donw there. She looks lost."

Hades raised an eyebrow confused. "Which one?"

Maleficent pointed to the soul in question and hades stirred the chariot down to them, landing a few feet away as to not scare the girl. He hoped off the chariot and stopped Maleficent before she got off. "Stay here."

"What? Why?" She asked confused.

"This realm is dangerous for people who don't know there way around. It's safer for you to stay here." Hades explained. "I'll be back." And with that he walked over to the girl and crouched down in front of her. Maleficent couldn't hear what they were saying, but she could see the girl was crying and looked scared. Hades had a sympathetic look on his face and listened to what the girl and Demon had to say; whatever it was.

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