His First Mission

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Victor hopped out of the truck, observing the lights of the massive shipping dock that ran along the bank of the great lake as the frigid winter air ruffled the hood of his winter jacket. Reaching for his back pocket, he stuffs his glove covered hand inside and removes a folded sheet of paper. He unfolds it and unclips a miniature flashlight from his utility belt. He activates the light and shines it on the paper, reading the instructions scribbled on it.

"Dock three..." He muttered to himself through a face covering, his voice carrying a thick British accent. Victor then begins folding the paper back up and stuffs it into his jacket pocket, clipping the flashlight back onto his belt. He then reaches into his truck and retrieves his standard issue carbine rifle and places the strap around his shoulder before advancing down the concrete road that led to the massive gate of the shipping dock.

As he approached the booth that stood guard over the front gate, he stepped in front of the booth's window, seeing a sleeping anthro guard reclined back in a metal chair. Victor then taps on the glass of the window repeatedly. The guard shot out of his sleep and sharply looked to Victor as he stood at the window. As the guard reaches for his handgun, Victor throws up his glove covered hand and unclips a badge on his belt, flashing it to the guard. The anthro seemed to ease up and then gave Victor a salute before reaching over to a console and presses a button. The massive gates of the shipping dock screech open as Victor clips his badge back onto his belt and salutes the guard.

Victor advances through the gates and into the dock. Massive warehouses, cranes, and cargo crates scatter the lot. Eventually, Victor reaches the designated dock and sees a small destroyer escort ship moored along it. At the center of the dock, he sees a lone anthro soldier standing watch at the foot of a bridge that led to the ship itself. As Victor approached the soldier, he then turned his gaze to him and placed his hand on his handgun.

"Identify yourself." The guard called out, unclipping his holster.

Victor brought his hands up to his hood and face covering and lowers it. "Sergeant Victor Churchill, Special Task Force. I'm a part of the crew." He answers, flashing his badge once again.

Once more, the soldier eased up and saluted. "You are the last to arrive, sir." The guard says as his heels clicked together.

Victor returned the salute half-heartedly, almost becoming sick of everyone saluting him. He then steps onto the wooden bridge and advanced towards the door of the destroyer ship's hull, the guard following behind him. Once stepping inside, he felt the frigid winter air disappearing as the warm air of the ship's interior enveloped him. He sighed out in relief having finally be out of the bitter cold. As he turned to look behind him, the metal door of the ship slams shut, the boom of the metal reverberating throughout the ship. Victor turned his gaze back forward and heard the sound of approaching boots coming from down one of the halls of the deck. Victor stepped further into the ship and stood in view of both halls.

"Welcome to the party, sergeant." A voice calls out.

Victor turned his gaze to his left and saw an anthro canine, dressed in all white tactical gear and winter clothing. His fur resembled the coat of a Siberian Husky. Victor stood at attention and saluted the anthro as he approached him.

The anthro waves a hand dismissively at Victor. "Cut the formalities, sergeant. I'm sure you are sick of that crap just as much as I am." The anthro says, placing his hands on his hips.

Victor chuckled and stood at ease. "Sergeant Victor Churchill." He says, extending out his hand.

The anthro looked down at his hand. "Captain Zeus Reies. Follow me." He says before advancing past Victor and continues to venture further through the halls. Victor, slightly embarrassed, put away his hand and followed behind the captain.

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