Creating A Plan

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The engine of the stolen armored vehicle had begun to sputter, coming to a slow stop along the snow-covered dirt road outside the far outskirts of the city. Having narrowly escaping the battle that had taken over the city, the team had found themselves in the middle of a large forest to the east of the town, and that much closer to their objective of the US military base. Letting out a soft sigh, Zeus turns the key to the ignition, the interior of the car falling dark and silent.

"Well... looks like this is far as this thing will take us." Zeus says, opening the driver door of the truck and steps out.

"You'd think those assholes would keep more gas in the tank." Daniel said with a grumble, opening his door as well and steps out.

"It is better that they did not." Volkov said as he stepped out.

Victor lets out a deep exhale through his nostrils, turning his head to Aiyana as she sat slump up against his arm and her arms wrapped around his. He smiles to himself before gently shaking her with his arm. "Nap time's over, Ms. Pershing."

Aiyana let out a soft moan as she stirred softly. "Come on... five more minutes..." She mumbled softly.

Victor let out a soft chuckle before bringing his hand up to her cheek, gently running his hand across it. "Don't wanna miss the bus, Ms. Pershing."

"Hey, Victor and Aiyana, get your asses out here." Zeus sternly said, walking to the back passenger car door and shuts it, causing Aiyana to softly jolt out of her sleep.

"Ugh... no need to be a dick about it..." Aiyana grumbled softly, sitting herself up in her seat and stretches her arms out in front of her.

Victor chuckled once again to himself before opening his passenger door and steps out of the vehicle. Carbine in hand, Victor reaches up to his face covering and raises it up. At the same time, Zeus opens the back door of the armored truck and begins to unload all of their packs and gear.

"So, guessing we are stopping for the night, captain?" Daniel asks, grabbing his pack from off the ground.

"Affirmative." Zeus answers, slipping his pack on himself and steps down from inside the armored truck. "We set up camp and make for the base before first light."

"Good. My legs are killing me." Daniel said, stretching his legs out to his sides.

As Volkov approached Zeus and Daniel, he turned his gaze to Victor and Aiyana, watching as Victor held Aiyana's hand as she stepped out of the vehicle. He smiled to himself, being reminded of home.

"I'm ready to go back to sleep... today was awful." Aiyana softly said, still holding Victor's hand as she closed the door behind her.

"Yeah... you think the captain will actually let us build a fire tonight?" Victor asked.

"Well, if not, there are other ways to keep warm." Aiyana softly giggled, looking to the man in front of her.

Volkov chuckled to himself. To him, it almost felt as if he never left home. Turning his gaze back to Zeus, he strolled over to him.

"So... what are you thinking for fire watch?" Volkov asked as he approached Zeus' side.

"There is no fire watch. It's just watch, lieutenant." Zeus answered, reaching for the GPS on his utility belt.

Volkov rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Have Victor on first shift and Aiyana on second." Zeus then says, gazing down at the GPS.

"Why not Daniel and I?" Volkov then asked.

Daniel shot a glance over to Volkov, sharply straightening his posture. "Hey, why me? I'm tired as hell."

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