Part Two Epilogue

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Victor sat slumped against the barrier of the interstate that ran out from the town with Aiyana by his side, watching as the columns of the Nation's Army cargo trucks carrying soldiers, arms, artillery, and the occasional battle tank passes by them. Just as expected, the Nation's Army had extended its forces to every corner of the protectorate by the morning, having the justification to pour an unprecedented number of its military might into the region in response to United States military involvement in After Common Era's entire war machine. Daniel sat upon the barrier, running a towel over his BAR as Zeus and Volkov lit up cigarettes, watching the seemingly unending convoy, bellowing out smoke.

"I'm just glad I get to go home... I'm getting too old for this shit." Zeus replied, taking in another bellow of smoke.

"You are telling me... I feel like last night alone took ten years off my life." Volkov replied, tossing his cigarette on the ground and stamps it out with his boot.

Victor turned his attention to Aiyana as she sat slumped up against him. At the same time, Aiyana turned her gaze to the man as well, smiling warmly to him. Victor returned the smile before leaning in close and lands a kiss upon her lips. They hold the kiss for a moment before they break it.

"So... where should we go for our first date?" Aiyana then asked, bringing her hand up to Victor's face.

"I was kinda thinking..." Victor replied, scratching his chin. "Maybe we could do a double date. The lieutenant told me he has some friends back home he wants me to meet."

Aiyana rolled her eyes before giggling softly. "That sounds so cheesy... but I'm down for that. What will we do?"

"Well... I was thinking along the lines of ballroom dancing." Victor replied.

Aiyana let out a playful groan, placing her head upon his shoulder. "My god, Mr. Churchill, you really are old."

"Don't knock it till you try it, sweetheart." Victor said with a grin, placing his head up against the concrete barrier of the interstate.

"Fine, fine. I accept." Aiyana said.

"You know, I still think you two are really gross." Daniel suddenly chimed in, throwing the towel he was using over his shoulder and places the butt of his rifle stock on top of his thigh.

"Oh, shut your hole, Daniel." Aiyana retorted, Victor letting out a soft laugh.

After watching and waiting after what seemed like forever, Zeus and Volkov suddenly spot a metallic black armored truck breaking off from the convoy and switch into the right lane, approaching the team.

"Looks like our ride is here." Zeus then said, tossing his cigarette onto the asphalt and stomps it out.

"Thank God... not a moment too soon." Volkov said, watching as the truck came to a slow roll next to them. Victor helps Aiyana to her feet as Daniel hops off the interstate barrier, the three regrouping with Zeus and Volkov. The truck comes to a complete stop as the passenger door opens, revealing Volkov's father stepping out of the passenger seat. Volkov's heart seemed to melt at the sight of his father dressed in an all-white military dress uniform, happy to see him once again. From the other side of the truck, an anthro wearing an all-white military combat uniform makes his way around from the other side, his helmet bearing the insignia of five stars.

The team stands at attention at the very sight of the high-ranking officer, saluting him.

"At ease." The officer salutes, standing by Volkov's father. "As of now, you are all relieved of your current operation. You've all earned the right to go see your loved ones again."

"Thank you, sir." Zeus says, saluting to the officer once more. The officer then smiles, approaching Zeus. Zeus' eyes widen for a brief moment as the officer approached him. The officer then reaches for the captain insignia of Zeus' jacket collar and removes it. For a brief moment, Zeus had suddenly felt as if he was being stripped of his rank. But in the same moment, the officer reaches into a pocket of his combat uniform on his chest and removes a gold four pointed star and sticks it onto Zeus's collar.

"I, General Koda of the Nation's Army, hereby promote you, Captain Zeus Reies, to Lieutenant Major of the United 3rd Army Corp." The general then says, taking a step back from Zeus and gives a salute. "Congratulations, soldier. Take a two week leave of absence then report back to me in this very city. "

Volkov and the others smile warmly at the on-field ceremony that was taking place before their very eyes. Zeus did his best to not let emotions show and simply gives a salute to the general. "Aye, sir."

Volkov then looked to his father, seeing him smile to him. Volkov returned the smile.

"Come on. I wanted to bring you back home myself." Volkov's father said.

Volkov looked back to Victor, Aiyana, and Daniel. "They come along too." He said.

Volkov's father smirks and rolls his eyes. "Fine. I want to be back before supper." He then said, climbing into the truck. Victor chuckles and looks back to his teammates, gesturing his head towards the truck. One by one, they all climb into the truck, the engine roaring to life as the armored truck began to roll alongside the convoy of the Nation's Army. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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