An Old Enemy

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The sound of metal snapping strikes Victor's ears as he watched Daniel at work on the tall chain link fence that bordered the military base. Just a few hundred yards ahead of them, across an airstrip, was a network of warehouses and barracks. Victor lets out a deep sigh through his nostrils, wondering to himself what kind of situation he was to possibly find himself getting into.

"Come on, Daniel." Zeus suddenly groaned out. "Work a little faster, would ya?"

"Hey, you try cutting through this kind of steel with oversized nail clippers for yourself, captain." Daniel retorted.

Volkov then let out a chuckle. "You two play nice now."

After about a few minutes, Daniel cuts the final strand of metal required and folds the section of the metal fence open. "Après vous." Daniel said, gesturing his hand and glancing over to Zeus.

"Good work, Daniel." Zeus says before climbing through the hole, the others following suit. After Daniel steps through, he folds the section of the metal fence back up and takes off after his team as they sprinted along the airfield and towards the hangers. Sneaking along the backside of the hanger buildings, the team eventually finds itself facing one of the main buildings of the base across a street that runs around the base itself. Taking up point position, Zeus then slowly peered around the back corner of a hanger building. Upon doing so, he immediately spots the headlights of a truck emerging from around the corner of the main building as it began to turn towards them. He quickly cocked his head back as the sound of the truck's engine filled the silence of the air. The team waited with bated breath as the truck eventually rolled past their position. As the sound of the engine gradually fades away, Zeus peers around the corner of the building once more, scoping out the immediate surroundings. He then brings his head back and brings up his hand, giving a hand signal before taking off across the street of the base as the others follow him.

The team reach the other side of the street and approach a small metal staircase that led to a door of the building. As Zeus began to ascend the staircase, Victor and the others stood firmly against the thick concrete walls of the building, watching as their captain reached the top of the stairs and stands on his toes to peer inside a window of the door, seeing nothing but a wide empty hallway.

"Alright, looks clear." Zeus says in a hushed tone, looking down at his team. Victor proceeds to follow Volkov and Daniel up the staircase. Upon regrouping, Zeus then turned his gaze down to the door handle and grips it.

"Open sesame..." He says, giving the metal handle a twist. The click of the handle gently sounds off as the team lets out a collective sigh of relief. Opening the door slowly, the metal door softly creaks open as the team skulked their way inside the building. Victor gently closed the door behind him, doing so as to not create too much noise. The team then begins to trek stealthily down the hallway, the hum of the florescent bulbs of the light fixtures above them filling the silence.

"Keep an eye out for any kind of map or directory..." Zeus whispered to his team, attentively scanning the hallway walls; the ears of the anthros perked up to listen out for any sound that be detrimental to them.

"I don't like how quiet it is..." Daniel said quietly as he walked, scanning the hallway.

"You would prefer it to be hustling and bustling, Daniel?" Volkov asked, turning his attention back around to the feline.

"Of course not... it just gives me a bad feeling." Daniel replied.

"Would it kill you to be a little optimistic, Dan?" Zeus asked as he peeked into an empty office and continues on, Daniel letting out a soft scoff.

Suddenly, Victor spots what appeared to be a large map encased in a metal frame just a bit down the hallway. "Over there." He says, causing the attention of the anthros to turn to the metal case.

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