Gender scan

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Mia's POV:


"Mia hurry up!"
"One minute sweetheart"

I've spent the past half an hour searching through my whole closet to find clothes that fit.Im getting just over the halfway mark in the pregnancy and I've already gained so much weight .I eventually find some clothes that are suitable for me to wear to my appointment.
Obviously I need to wear a baggy top but I just wore some casual everyday leggings to go
with it because nothing else fits.
When I finish my makeup I head down the stairs.
Charlotte looks at me confused.
"Mia I've never seen you dress so..casual?"
"Well there's no way in hell I'm letting people see this much weight"
"Don't call it to much weight,call it a beautiful baby"
"That I can't fucking keep"
"You always have time to change your mind about that"
"Let's just go"
"Ok but I'm driving!"

The drive there was silent.Neither of us were in the mood to talk so we said nothing until we got the there.
"You need to remember,this is a pregnancy scan so you're going to have to actually pay attention this is important Mia"
"I know I will listen don't worry,also can you come with me for this one sweetheart"
"Of course I will"

When we get inside the room we are asked to sit down like usual.For some reason the room feels more comforting than usual.I think it's because this is the first appointment i have brought Charlotte to.
She mostly wanted to come to make sure I listen.

"Good morning ladies,I'm doctor gale and I will be taking the appointment today"
"Nice to meet you in Charlotte I'm sure you already know who Mia is by now"
Charlotte gives me a quick smack on the arm when she realised I wasn't listening.
I look over to see her giving me a death stare.
"Oh sorry, Hi what was your name again"
Charlotte gets mad at me before looking back at the doctor.
"I'm doctor gale,now can you please go lay down on that bed for me and there's a chair next to the bed for Charlotte"
Me and Charlotte both walk over to the bed.She sits on the chair and I lay down on the bed.
"Ok I'm just going to check the heartbeat and then we'll get to figuring out the gender."
"Oh I don't want to know the gender"
"Oh is there a reason?"
"I'm not keeping the baby when it's born so I want to know as little as possible just to make the process a bit easier"
"Of course,right I'm just going to check the heartbeat"
She places the cold surface on my stomach and I just stare at the screen"
I watch as the tiny baby moves around.I almost shed a tear at the thought of not being able to keep it.luckily I mean to hold my tears in.

"Alright,all done thank you ladies you can go if you want"
I hear Charlotte say as we both walk out.I pretty much run to the car before getting in and immediately slamming the door.
Charlotte gets in the other side concerned.
"Mia what's wrong?"
"Amelia,you don't have to give up this child"
That's all it took for me to break down in my seat.
She quickly wraps her arms around me as I cry even more.
"I do though, I don't want to be a mum yet, I'm only just getting to know your daughters so I can't imagine having my own just yet,it's so much pressure and it's taking over my life!"
"Oh Mia, come here"
She pulls me in for a tight hug as I sob hysterically.
She pulls away as she pulls her phone out of her pocket.
"I'll tell you what,I'll ring my husband now and he can drop the girls off at yours for a week or two with us and you can get to know them,then you can also rethink whether you want your own"
"Thank you char that would be amazing"
She smiles warmly she calls her husband.
"Hi James,I was wondering if you could drop the girls off with me and Mia for a few weeks"
"Yeah that's fine,send me the address and you guys will have them with you by tomorrow afternoon"
"Alright thanks"
She hangs up the phone and hugs me again.
"They'll be here tomorrow"

Forever and always-mialotteWhere stories live. Discover now