• Noodles •

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{ Special Chapter }

I was working, well, just taking people's orders and serving. MK did the cooking.

I leaned against the counter as my red and blue eyes lit up when I saw two people come in.

"Hello, welcome to Pigsy's Noodles, how may I help you?"

I welcomed, my notepad and pen ready.

I studied the two people, one was a short girl, having black, smooth hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a white hoodie with blue shorts, along with white shoes. She had a black face mask covering her mouth, with glasses that have greyish pink temples.

The other was a more taller girl, black hair cut into a wolf cut, donning a white t-shirt with grey pants, along with white shoes. They both had dark brown eyes.

"I'll have Zha jiang mian, please."

The shorter female spoke up, her voice slightly deep, more of alto.

Though it may be because her voice was a bit quiet.

"I'll have the same, thanks."

The taller female adds, her voice slightly more deep than the shorter one.

I wrote both their orders on my notepad.

"Alright, any drinks?"

I asked, smiling softly as my demon tail swayed slightly.

"I'll just have water."

The short female shrugs.

"I'll have any soda you have."

The taller one spoke.

"Alrighty! Could you two tell me your name?"

I chirped. I quickly notice the taller one was ignoring the question.

"I'm very sorry about her, she doesn't really like saying her real name. Though, I'd like for you to use 'Ace' for her instead. And also, I'm Althea."

Althea quickly reassured, smiling with closed eyes.

I smiled back at Althea's sweetness. I then went off to the kitchen to give MK the orders.

"MK! Two orders of Zha jiang mian!"

I yelled, waiting for MK's response.


He yelled back.

After a few minutes, he quickly put the two bowls of Zha jiang mian Infront of me. I then picked both of them up as carefully walked over to the two females.

"Alrighty! Here are your Zha jiang mians, you'll be getting your drinks in a second."

I spoke as I put down the two bowls. Althea picked up her chopsticks and began eating, Ace also starting to eat.

I then went behind the counter as I opened the drinks drawer, I put ice on both cups as I took out the bottle of soda, or Fanta.

I poured the soda on one of the cups, while also pouring the water on the other. I put down the bottle of soda and water as I picked up both cups and brought it to the two.

"Here you go! Enjoy your meals!"

I chuckled as I put their drinks on their table. Before walking off.


A lil special for you guys! For anyone asking, yes I'm Althea, I was finally able to confidently say my real name online, while my best friend still isn't, so I only used their online persona name. Hope you guys enjoyed this short yet special chapter!

Also, here's a little drawing of me and Ace ^^

Also, here's a little drawing of me and Ace ^^

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