• Y/N's Powers •

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Since the bio template I used for Y/N doesn't have an abilities spot, this is the chapter where Y/N's Powers will be.

This chapter will have all of Y/N's Powers, even those that haven't been used yet. This will also be updated regularly if a new power is discovered.

(And yes all these are also Lilac's powers.)

~ Shapeshifting

• Cat (Unlocked)
• Cat Demon (Main Form)

~ Shadow Teleportation

• Able to teleport, when used, shadows surround the user.

~ Trackizew
(Made Up)

• A power able to track the locations of specific people.

(Can be an inherited from deceased family member or born with.)

~ Super Speed

• Able to go super fast, though it only works when your in another form.

(Like how Y/N is more faster in her cat form.)

~ Manipulation

• Able to manipulate an object/person into doing what the user wants.

~ Flight

• Able to fly in super high places.

~ Fire Manipulation

• Able to manipulate any fire the user is close to

~ Puppeteering

• Able to summon puppet cross braces and puppeteer their "puppet"

(The puppet would be a person.)

~ Space Myth
(Made Up)

• Able to summon anything from space; planets, stars, moons, etc.

(Y/N has once used this back when they lived in space.)

~ Mind Vision

• The user is able to know what is happening from miles away.

(Somewhat similar to MK and Wukong's Gold Vision.)

~ Precognition

• The user is able to predict the future.

Not Just A Cat Demon! { LMK x Lilac!Reader }Where stories live. Discover now