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"Jeff De Hemmawich"

I stood up slowly, feeling the weight of all the eyes on me. I walked towards the teacher with my gaze fixed on the floor, hating every second of attention. The classroom was silent, only the sound of my footsteps could be heard. When I reached the desk, the teacher greeted me with a soft, warm smile.

"Congratulations," he said as he handed me my exam. His voice was a whisper that barely broke the silence.

I took the exam with trembling hands and headed back to my seat, almost running. My heart was pounding, and I could barely contain my excitement. As I sat down, I looked at the paper in disbelief. Perfect score. A wave of happiness washed over me. "I'll show it to Alan as soon as I get home tonight," I thought, feeling a smile form on my lips. "He'll be so proud."

"Congratulations, Jeff," said Otom from his nearby seat. "This subject seems complicated."

"Jeff has always been brilliant," exclaimed Charlie proudly, his voice resonating in the classroom.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. "Wow, it's really a perfect score," said a boy as he approached. "Let me see," he added, taking the exam from my hand. I froze in surprise. People usually don't get this close to me. "They can't even say it's because of your connections. The answers are truly perfect," he continued, studying the exam attentively. Then, he gave me a cautious look. "Could you... teach me?" he asked.

I opened and closed my mouth, unable to speak. Was this real? Was a classmate asking me to teach him?

"Do you... do you know who I am?" I asked in a faint voice.

"Who doesn't?" he retorted. "But that's beside the point. I'll really fail the subject if I don't pass the retake. Being handsome won't save me from repeating," he concluded, fluttering his eyelashes beautifully.

I looked at him, even more perplexed. He was handsome, yes, and cheeky.

"Please," he said, clasping his hands, his tone pleading.

"Jeff, if you don't want to, I can get rid of him," said Otom coldly.

"What? Wait," the boy complained.

"It's okay," I said quickly. "We could study in the library."

I saw the moment his face lit up, and he lunged for a hug that Charlie stopped just in time.

"No physical contact," he said with icy calm.

"How cold," the boy complained again, pouting. "By the way, my name is Sonic. Can I just call you Jeff?"

I nodded slightly, watching his lips curve into a wide smile. This was... strange. Extremely strange. He supposedly knows who I am, so why doesn't he seem afraid of me?

Once in the library, I understood why Sonic was so desperate to ask for my help. He was... a disaster.

"No, not like that," I said calmly, trying to maintain my patience as I pointed to a wrongly solved equation. "You need to move this down and pass it to the other side of the equal sign." I was realizing that I wasn't as patient as I thought. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, to the other side. Give me a second, my fans are texting me," Sonic replied, his gaze lost in his phone.

I sighed in frustration. "If you don't pay attention, you won't learn anything," I said seriously, feeling the frustration build up in my chest.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm done," he said, putting away his phone. "Ohhhh, you look so cute when you frown. Do you have Instagram? I'm sure you're famous there too," he added with a big smile, his eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

Eviterno (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now