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The rain was pouring down on the city, drenching the streets and creating puddles that reflected the neon lights. I stumbled through the dark alleys, my breath coming in gasps and my heart pounding a thousand beats per minute. I knew someone was following me, someone who wouldn't stop until they saw me fall.

It had all started just a few minutes ago. I was leaving the club. Everything had been laughter and fun at first, until I started feeling suffocated and dizzy. I decided to step out for some air at the back, took out a cigarette, lit it, and tried to relax by exhaling the smoke. I didn't want to appear weak in front of the others. I knew that in our world, weakness was not allowed. I turned and saw those glowing eyes for the first time. I didn't need more to know I was in danger.

The sound of my footsteps echoed off the brick walls, mingling with the rumble of thunder. I turned a corner and found myself in a dead-end alley. I cursed under my breath, desperately searching for an escape. But it was too late.

A shadow appeared at the end of the alley, slowly advancing towards me. I backed up, my back hitting the cold, wet wall, contrasting with the heat that engulfed me. The figure approached, and the light of a lightning bolt revealed those glowing eyes, full of inhuman fury. I recognized them instantly, but I couldn't afford to think about who it was. I just knew I couldn't escape. My vision started to blur.

I tried to pull out my gun, but it wasn't there. I was stunned by the discovery. When did this happen? The figure stopped a few steps away from me, and I could clearly see the face of my pursuer: a mask of hatred and determination. As a member of the mafia, I should have been prepared for anything, but this time, they had caught me by surprise.

The rain kept falling, each drop resonating like a drum in my mind. I tried to stay calm, but fear paralyzed me. The figure took another step, and I knew there was no escape. I was trapped.

I tried to stay calm, but fear paralyzed me. "What do you want from me? I haven't done anything," I managed to ask, my voice barely audible over the roar of the storm. My legs gave out, and I collapsed to the ground.

The figure didn't respond. Instead, he pulled out a knife, its blade gleaming under the lightning. My heart stopped for a moment. I knew I had no chance to defend myself.

The figure took another step, and I could see death in his eyes. There was no mercy, no doubt. Only a mission that had to be fulfilled.



"Oh, Jeff, I'm so glad you're back!" Sonic exclaimed, trying to approach enthusiastically. However, Charlie and Otom stopped him, their hands firm on his shoulders. Sonic looked at them sadly, his big, bright eyes filled with a mix of disappointment and hope. He pouted adorably before sitting in the chair across from me.

"Still as cold as ever," he murmured, his voice tinged with melancholy. "How have you been?" he asked, his concern evident in every word.

"Better," I replied simply, trying to keep my voice neutral. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you with the makeup exam."

Sonic gave me a wide, warm smile, one that lit up his face and seemed to melt some of the tension in the air. "You don't need to apologize, Jeff. You can still teach me. I told the professor you were my tutor, and he rescheduled the makeup exam until you could come back and teach me," he finished with satisfaction, his eyes shining with determination.

I looked at him perplexed. Sonic was becoming stranger by the day. Wasn't what happened that day enough to scare him off? It seemed quite the opposite; now he was using the fear people had of me to his advantage.

Eviterno (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now