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"Jeff, please, don't be upset with me," I said softly, taking one of his hands and brushing his knuckles with my lips. His gaze was fixed and distant, and my heart raced. "Jeff?" I asked worriedly, feeling a knot in my stomach.

Moments that felt like an eternity later, his beautiful and sweet lips trembled, and his eyes filled with tears. A vision, I thought, feeling a chill run down my spine.

"Alan!" he exclaimed through tears, his voice broken by anguish. I hugged him tightly, feeling his body tremble against mine as I gently stroked his hair. "Everything will be okay, Jeff. Remember, the future can always change," I whispered, trying to instill hope in him.

"But... but it's the second vision where I see you getting shot. They've been two different visions, but in both, you get shot," he said between sobs, holding me tightly as if he feared I would vanish into thin air.

I took his cheeks in my hands and pressed our foreheads together, feeling his ragged breath. "Nothing will happen to me. We'll prevent it. Everything will be fine. It has to be because I was irresponsible, and we might have a baby. Tell me, tell me everything, and we'll fix it," I said, my voice firm but filled with emotion.

Jeff nodded vigorously and told me every detail of his vision. I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and analyze every fragment of it. Some things were clear: Pete and Way were in danger. The explosives in the organization were seen on purpose to lure them to my father's house. Blue and gold walls, Jeff saw. Definitely, it's my father's house. So it must be filled with explosives. It's no surprise that the place where it all began is where it will all end.

I called Pete. No answer. I tried again. No answer. I called Way. Third ring. "Alan! Where are you? Pete told me..." I interrupted him. "Get out of the house now and don't tell anyone. Do it subtly," I said urgently, feeling the urgency in every word. "What are you talking about?" he asked, worried. "We're in the house of..." "I know. It's a trap. The house will explode on a timer. There's another traitor. Don't mention it to anyone unless you use your power on them," I snapped, my voice tense. "I understand. I'll look for Pete. He was called to the basement with Winner." "Dean is in the house," I said quickly. "Go with several men. Use your power on them to prevent betrayal. I'll be there soon. I'm on my way," I assured him before hanging up.

I convinced the receptionist to lend me a means of transportation, but in the end, only a motorcycle was available. At least it would be fast. We hurried to it, and I carefully put the helmet on Jeff.

 "Jeff..." I tried to say, but he stopped me with a determined look, his eyes shining with a mix of love and determination. 

"Don't even think about trying to sideline me again," he said firmly, his voice filled with emotion. "I might have a new vision that can help us. I called Sonic and North, and they'll help us. They know how to locate and deactivate bombs. You said it, the future can always change. Let's fight together to make it so." 

I felt a wave of love and admiration for him. Ahhh, I love him so much. I gave him a tender and soft kiss, feeling the warmth of his lips and the beat of his heart synchronized with mine. "I love him so much," I thought, as a smile spread across my face. I won't let anyone take our future away from us. Everything will be fine, I told myself every second, clinging to that hope with all my strength. Jeff returned my smile, his eyes full of confidence and love. 

"We're in this together, Alan. No matter what happens, I won't leave you alone." We hugged tightly, feeling the deep connection that bound us. 

"Let's go, we have to move," I said, firmly taking his hand. "Together, we can change the future." 

Eviterno (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now