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"What do you think: is a monster, like a psychopath or a killer, born that way, or do their environment and situations make them so? 🌱🔪 Can one person turn another into a monster? 🤔"


For as long as I can remember, my life has been a chain of impossible expectations. My father, the right-hand man of the ruthless boss Hemmawich, always looked at me with disdain, demanding that I be the best, that I become the perfect shadow of the boss's son, Alan. There was no room for mistakes, no place for weakness. Every day was a battle to prove my worth, but no matter how hard I tried, it was never enough.

I grew up in a world where friendship was a luxury I couldn't afford. I watched Alan, Babe, and Way laugh together, share secrets and dreams. I could only observe from a distance, consumed by envy and loneliness. My father constantly reminded me that I wasn't there to make friends, but to be the best, to be indispensable. But deep down, I just wanted to be accepted, to be seen.

The day Alan killed my father, accused of treason, I felt a mix of emotions that tore me apart inside. There was relief, yes, because my father would no longer be there to make my life miserable. But there was also fear, because I knew my life wouldn't get better. And I was right. Hemmawich took my training into his own hands, and with the help of Otom, another of his loyal servants, my existence became even more unbearable.

Otom... his presence was a constant shadow in my life. He was Hemmawich's watchful eye, always observing, always judging. There was no room for mistakes under his gaze. Every failure, every weakness, was immediately reported, and the punishments were severe. Otom wasn't just a watcher; he was a silent executioner, tasked with ensuring I fulfilled every whim of the boss. His cold, calculating voice became a constant echo in my mind, reminding me that there was no escape, that my life wasn't my own.

Otom taught me to distrust everyone, to see enemies in every corner. He isolated me even more, ensuring I had no one to trust, no one to turn to. I felt like I was drowning at the bottom of the ocean, struggling to breathe, unable to ask for help. Every day, the darkness inside me grew, fueled by hatred and despair.

But even in the midst of that darkness, there were moments when I felt something else. A spark of humanity, a desire to be more than a tool in the hands of cruel men. I wanted to be free, to find my own path. But every time I tried to escape that shadow, Otom was there to remind me that there was no way out.

This is how a monster is created. Not overnight, but through years of pain, loneliness, and impossible expectations.

Five years have passed since the death of boss Hemmawich, but his shadow still haunts me. Otom makes sure I don't forget, that his presence remains a constant in my life. At first, I thought it was just his way of maintaining control, but over time, I realized something more sinister. Otom has the ability to manipulate memories, to erase those that don't suit him. He confessed this to me one night, with a cold smile on his face.

"Even though Hemmawich is no longer here, his voice still echoes in our minds," Otom told me. "It's our duty to ensure Alan doesn't stray from the path. He must remain a monster."

When Alan started working in legal businesses, offering his men the chance to leave the mafia, to get legitimate jobs, and even attend university, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. But Otom and the ghost of Hemmawich had other plans.

Shortly after the boss's death, Otom began implementing his plan. He started by killing those who were far away, teaching me that we did it to keep Alan alert, to prevent him from straying. Alan was beautiful as a monster, Otom told me, and we couldn't let him stop being one. I heard him talk to himself, as if he had a split personality: his own and that of the dead boss. That only worsened my panic. I couldn't rebel, or maybe I didn't want to. I no longer knew.

Eviterno (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now