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Days passed, and in the blink of an eye, a week had gone by. Alan didn't mention that night again, which I appreciated from the bottom of my heart. But he must have been scared by what I told him because he increased security at the university, heightening the tension among all the students. It wasn't just Alan's people; there were also more guards, and now the police patrolled the area more frequently. Whatever the cause, my vision had not yet come true, and I was hopeful that perhaps it never would.

Classes continued with Sonic now part of my university life. Despite the cold and hard looks from Charlie and Otom, Sonic simply adapted as best he could, but he did. Even after he took the makeup exam and barely passed, but he did.

While I was quietly sipping an orange tea in the cafeteria, I watched people coming and going. Some were very cheerful, others very serious and stressed. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of emotions reflected on the students' faces. The leaves of the trees whispered in the wind, and the afternoon sun bathed the campus in a golden light.

"Look, what do you think? I still think it's too simple; I prefer more vibrant colors, but the design is killer," Sonic pulled me out of my thoughts, showing me a picture of a jacket on his phone. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and his smile was contagious.

"It's... interesting," I said, not knowing what else to say. I preferred simple clothes, preferably in black, blue, and gray. As long as I was comfortable, I was happy.

"I need to be more than interesting if I want to catch a handsome and rich alpha. The next few days will be a great opportunity," Sonic said, his voice full of determination.

"Next few days?" I asked, confused, frowning.

Sonic sighed, rolling his eyes with a mix of patience and amusement. "That's why we're good friends. We both have what the other lacks. You never find out about these things," he said, looking around, "although it's obvious they're happening."

I looked at him even more confused, trying to understand what he meant.

"Tomorrow, guys from other schools will come for a sports competition. It usually lasts three days. We'll have a lot to watch," he said with a conspiratorial smile, his eyes shining with anticipation.

The persistent vibration of a phone was accompanied by a frustrated sigh from Charlie, who was sitting near us.

"Everything okay?" I asked, noticing the tension on his face.

Charlie looked at me with a conflicted expression. Something I always liked about him was that he never hid anything from me. "It's Kenta..." he hissed through his teeth after a long silence, his voice filled with irritation.

"Kenta?" I asked, confused, leaning towards him.

"Yes, he insists on staying for a few days. He's a blatant hypocrite, but he keeps insisting, even when I told him Alan refused. Alan hates having anyone else around when he's here. He's even less likely to tolerate Kenta staying. Besides, it's strange. I don't think his intentions are good," Charlie said, his voice low and full of distrust.

The phone vibrated insistently again, interrupting the tense silence.

"Yes, but it's also strange that he's insisting so much," I said in a low voice, trying to understand the situation. "Does he say why he wants to stay?"

"Ha, you won't believe it. He said he missed his cousin. Although he also said that Winner is coming to the university tomorrow and he has to come with him, but he doesn't want to stay in the same place," Charlie replied, his tone full of incredulity.

The phone stopped before it started vibrating again. "If he weren't Mr. Tony's son, I would have blocked him already," Charlie complained, his frustration evident in his expression.

Eviterno (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now