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Jeff (Past)

The dull pain in my cheek, intensifying with each passing second, was nothing compared to the ache in my heart. It was the first time my father had laid a hand on me. I closed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. "Don't cry, Jeff, don't do it, that's weakness," I kept repeating to myself, my voice trembling and my heart racing.

The room was dimly lit, barely illuminated by the faint light filtering through the curtains. The air was thick with tension, and the silence was deafening. My father, a tall and robust man with a face hardened by years and worries, looked at me with a mix of frustration and desperation. His eyes, usually hard and cold, now showed a glimmer of fear and vulnerability I had never seen before.

"I warned you, Jeff, countless times. No one can know what you can do. You must ignore it. You must pretend you see nothing. You can't warn anyone. Why? Why do you insist on disobeying me?" His voice was firm, but there was a tremor in it that betrayed his fear. Every word he spoke seemed to carry the weight of years of worry and repressed love.

The pain in my cheek paled in comparison to the whirlwind of emotions I felt. My father's desperation, his fear for my safety, and my own confusion and sadness mixed into a chaos I could barely comprehend. "Dad, I... I just wanted to help," I whispered, my voice breaking under the weight of my emotions.

His expression softened slightly, and I could see a hint of doubt and vulnerability in his eyes. It was as if, for a brief moment, the wall of hardness he always maintained crumbled, revealing the pain and love he tried to hide. "Your mother was too noble. You... you are just like her," he said, gently caressing the cheek he had struck moments before. His touch was a mix of regret and tenderness, as if trying to erase the harm he had caused.

"And at the same time, you are stronger and more stubborn. That's not a good combination, my dear boy. If you don't listen to me, this world will swallow you without mercy. Jeff, I've told you, here omegas have no voice or vote. It doesn't matter what you want. And if you add your... your gift to that, you'll be an easy target for any monster who won't hesitate to use you. Or for enemies. No one will look kindly on an omega who can see the future. Listen to me, Jeff, I don't want to lose you. That's why, please. Please, I'm begging you, pretend you see nothing. Don't tell anyone anything. Ever. No matter what you see. You are my precious treasure, I don't want to lose you," he finished in a soft whisper, hugging me tightly.

The hug was warm and protective, but also filled with silent desperation. I felt his heart beating rapidly against my chest, and I knew his words came from a place of deep fear and love. I nodded slightly, feeling the weight of his concern. I understood what he was saying. I understood, but that boy... I... I just found myself wanting to help him. I couldn't help it. And although I would never say it out loud, I... I would do it again.

After that, Dad increased my security and I never saw him again. Over time, I forgot his face. I was only 10 years old and barely remembered that he was a little older than me and that, although his gaze was full of panic, he squeezed my hand tightly, swearing to protect me, touching my heart. The promise of that boy echoed in my mind, a distant echo of a fading past, but one I could never completely forget.

Jeff (Present)

Images swirled and swirled, growing larger and smaller, confusing me. Was I dreaming or were they visions? What was the difference? Alan, covered in blood, his gaze... his terrifying gaze, but I wasn't afraid, I felt relieved. Kluer's screams echoed in my ears, heartbreaking and desperate. An... an airport. "I'm sorry, Jeff. I should never have loved you." Alan's words, full of pain and regret. My heart raced as I ran in panic through those long hallways, from where? Another person dressed like me. "You guys?" I asked curiously. "What? No! Of course not! We're just friends! Ohhh, why try so hard to clarify it?" said that boy with a pout. A solitary jealousy full of bitterness. Alan's tears, falling like rain on his bloodied face. "He may be the strongest and most powerful boss, but he's still human and can fall and can die." The venomous words of that person, his malicious and cruel smile. Is... is it him? Sounds of gunfire. Many voices. An explosion in the distance. Goodbye, Alan. Bang.

Eviterno (AlanxJeff) VIWhere stories live. Discover now